Ramsgate Future – Frequently Asked Questions

We will be compiling all frequently asked questions here. If you would like to submit a question please email: ramsgate-future@thanet.gov.uk

An Investment Plan is a road map for the future. It sets out a vision, which will help Ramsgate bring investment into the town for the benefit of the community. The Investment Plan will ensure a coordinated approach that meets local people’s needs and regenerates the town.

The Plan will act as a tool for all agencies in Ramsgate to use in any funding applications they wish to submit.

As part of this process we submitted a levelling up funding bid, in June 2021, which we hope will enable us to deliver some of the shorter term aspirations for the town. This bid is just one element of the wider longer term investment plan, which will explore the challenges facing Ramsgate beyond the scope and themes of the Levelling Up Fund.


The implementation of the plan will be supported by a blend of private investment and government funding. Thanet District Council has already secured funding including the Future High Street Fund and High Street Action Zone. In addition we submitted a bid for Levelling Up funding in June 2021.

By having a clear vision for Ramsgate, supported by the community, the aim is that funding bids will focus on those collectively agreed priorities.



The Levelling Up Fund is a Government Funding Programme to support investment in local infrastructure projects that can have a positive impact on people and their communities. The funding is available to Local Authorities and will focus on smaller transport projects that make a genuine difference to local areas; town centre and high street regeneration; and support for maintaining and expanding the UK’s world-leading portfolio of cultural and heritage assets.

Read more about the fund


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