Kent Agency Assessment
A Kent Agency Assessment (KAA) should be completed where a service user requires enhanced extra care or specialist housing such as Library House or George Culmer Court.
The KAA is designed to be used in Kent by statutory partner agencies and their agents, which for the purposes of the KAA are agreed as:
- Community Mental Health Team
- Early Intervention Teams (managers or social workers)
- General Practitioners GPS
- Health Visitors
- Hospitals (not Mental Health)
- Kent Council for Addiction (KCA) and Change Grow Live (CGL) for Substance Misuse (managers or team leaders)
- Kent Association for the Blind (for KCC)
- Leaving Care Services (accommodation manager or social worker)
- Mental Health In patient Services
- Mental Health Older People Service
- Occupatioal Therapists
- Probation/Community Rehabilitation Company (Offender Managers)
- Social Services (Social workers or managers)
- Specialist Childrens Services (social worker or manager)