The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 gave statutory responsibility to local authorities, the police and key partners to work together in order to reduce crime and disorder in their communities.
The Community Safety Unit at Thanet District Council work across the diverse communities and partnerships within Thanet to improve neighbourhoods and reduce crime and Anti-Social Behaviour.
We facilitate the Thanet Community Safety Partnership and create and deliver the council’s annual Community Safety Plan.
Day to day we deliver a range of projects agreed as part of Thanet’s Community Safety Priorities, provide support and guidance to other agencies and investigate complaints of Anti-Social behaviour.
The themes will have particular areas of focus such as domestic abuse, anti-social behaviour, gangs & exploitation, violent crime, organised crime & counter terrorism which all cut across the themes. The partnership plan aims to be more flexible and responsive to emerging issues using a range of methods to analyse statistics, pick up on real time information and take feedback from residents.