Page links found under homelessness

Duty to refer for public authorities

Requirements of the duty to refer The new duty requires the specified public authorities to identify and refer a service user who is homeless or may be threatened with homelessness, to a local housing authority of the service user’s choice. The service user must consent to the referral being made. The consent can be made […]

Risk of homelessness

We can provide housing advice to help you to avoid losing your home, or help if you are homeless. You may have difficulties paying your rent or mortgage. You may have family disputes. You may be suffering harassment or abuse, from your partner or neighbours. Your first step – contact us Email housing@thanet.gov.uk, and we […]

How do you assess my housing situation?

Making a homeless application If you believe you are homeless, or likely to become homeless within 28 days, the council has a duty to consider your ‘homeless application’. An application can be made by either yourself or a third party acting on your behalf.  We will ask you to contact the Housing Options Team to arrange an […]

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