Considering the future of historic Ramsgate – Conservation Area Appraisal nears completion
– Alan Baxter Ltd appointed to finalise the review of Ramsgate’s conservation area, which recently celebrated its 50th anniversary
– Alan Baxter Ltd appointed to finalise the review of Ramsgate’s conservation area, which recently celebrated its 50th anniversary
The following information has been provided as a general guideline and overview regarding conservation areas in Thanet and will likely vary somewhat depending on the circumstances of the work proposed and other planning considerations. If you have further queries please contact Thanet Councils Senior Conservation Officer through the following email address:
What is a Tree Preservation Order? Thanet District Council is responsible for the administration and management of trees in Conservation Areas and Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). This involves the survey and inspection of trees for inclusion in new TPOs and the consideration of proposals by owners to fell or prune protected trees. Tree Preservation Orders are used to […]