Public Engagement at Planning Committee
To enable you to play an active part in the planning process members of the public are able to speak at meetings of the Planning Committee on any schedule applications, which are to be considered.
For the opportunity to speak, you must have submitted a written representation on a planning application, to the Planning Applications Section by the close of the consultation period applicable to that application.
Not all planning applications go to the Planning Committee for decision, some are decided by Planning Officers under delegated powers. If an application is to be decided by Planning Committee, the Council will write to you to invite you to book a slot to speak/provide a statement. Only upon receipt of that letter or email may you make contact with the Committee Clerk who will be happy to book you in and offer you any help or advice that you may require. Those wishing to speak/provide a statement must telephone the Committee Clerk on 01843 577046 or email
Presentations are limited to three minutes per speaker and are taken
in the following order: –
● From the applicant or his or her representative;
● From one* person raising points of concern;
● From one representative of the Town or Parish Council (if applicable);
● From a ward councillor who indicates to the Chairman that he or she wishes to
speak; and
● From a councillor who has declared a prejudicial interest in relation to the
planning application but who wishes to address the Committee prior to leaving the
* From three persons in the case of a major planning application
Slots are allocated on a first come, first served basis.