Tenancy Strategy

Setting out how the social housing in an area is let and how long tenancies should be granted for.

Tenancy Strategy 2022

Setting out how the social housing in an area is let and how long tenancies should be granted for.

The Localism Act 2011 requires each local authority to produce a Tenancy Strategy. Due to the huge shortage in social housing, this strategy will help the council manage social housing stock more efficiently and help people in the greatest housing need.  The 2022 Strategy document replaces that dated 2018.


Prior to the Localism Act 2011, new council and housing association tenants would normally be granted a ‘lifetime’ tenancy if they comply with the conditions of their introductory / starter tenancy.

Social landlords now have the freedom and flexibility to grant new tenancies on a fixed term basis and, at the end of the fixed term, to renew the tenancy, offer the tenant alternative social housing, or ask the tenant to move out and work with them  to find them somewhere else to live.  However, in light of national and local changes in attitude to their use, these will no longer be used by Thanet Council as a preferred tenancy type.   Instead, new tenants will normally be offered secure tenancies.

The Tenancy Strategy and Management Policy, last published by Thanet District Council in 2018, has been updated for 2022.

A full Equality Impact Assessment of this strategy has been undertaken to assess the impact of the strategy on the different equality groups with the intention of implementing remedial action where the impact is negative and maximising access to services for everyone.


Nothing will happen to them. The law protects the tenancy rights of existing secure tenants and assured tenants.


There may continue to be a small number of introductory tenancies on a fixed one year term.  Providing all tenancy conditions have been met, they will automatically renew to secure tenancies.


Social rents are set at about 40% of market rent levels, affordable rents are set up to 80% of market rent levels.

Social rent levels are set according to the government rent restructuring formula. Affordable rents are set according to market conditions.


To ensure current and future Council tenancies are managed consistently, supporting the Council’s vision for Thanet residents who are renting to have a clear understanding of their tenancy, their rights and the level of security their tenancy offers them.


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