Report change of address or circumstances – housing

Have you moved home?  Gained or lost a member of your household?

Have you moved home?  Gained or lost a member of your household?

All applications for social housing must be made online.  Paper application forms are no longer available.  You must also tell us if you move address, or if your circumstances change using the main online application form.

Please note that any details you give on your application form may be shared with a number of Housing Associations that we work with as partners.

If I obtain a letter from my doctor saying I need to move because of a medical condition or disability will I get extra priority?

If you have a medical condition or disability, which is being made worse by your current accommodation, you may be awarded higher priority on the Housing Register.

We would ask you to complete a Self-Certification Medical Form and supply, where possible, any supporting medical information to assist us with an assessment.

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