28 November, 2023

Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Panel to discuss plans for Jackey Bakers in Ramsgate

Proposed plans for improving the Jackey Bakers Recreation Ground in Ramsgate will be considered by members of Thanet District Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Panel, at a meeting on Wednesday 6 December.

The council recognises the importance of Jackey Bakers to the local community, which provides important outdoor facilities for the mental and physical wellbeing of residents. 

The plans include a number of actions and improvements at the site which, following the Overview and Scrutiny meeting, will be taken to Cabinet for formal approval on Thursday 14 December.

The proposals include the demolition of the existing pavilion, and replacing this with a temporary changing facility. 

A planning application has been submitted for the demolition of the existing pavilion, and this will be considered at the Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday 13 December 2023.

In addition, a master plan will be developed, which will outline how the site can be further improved. Options include installing a new car park, a new pavilion with changing facilities and additional sporting and recreational facilities. Members of the public will be invited to give their feedback on the plan during the development stage.

The council received a public petition in June 2023, asking for improvements to the Jackey Bakers site. Since then, new goal posts have been installed to most pitches, with one further set of posts to be installed in the spring.

The council’s Open Spaces team has also improved the goal mouths on two of the pitches. A temporary container has been provided for sports equipment storage with a second container provided as a temporary changing facility. Signs to discourage parking have been installed at the entrance, to ensure emergency services can access the site, and a review of the bins on the site has been completed. 

The full report is available on the council’s website.

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