Stakeholder engagement consultancy services brief


  • Thanet District Council is looking to commission consultancy services to engage with stakeholders and the wider community, in Margate, as part of the Government’s Town Deal programme

  • The council is looking for experienced practitioners who are comfortable with engaging with all stakeholders, within the current requirements of social distancing

  • The Council has a budget of around £10,000 for this work as part of the Town Deal Investment Plan development.

Scope of work

  • Develop a series of engagement activities to allow people to have their say on how they think Margate will be able to achieve long term economic growth and to help shape the Town Investment Plan

  • Enable two-way communication between the Council/Town Deal Board and those who have an interest in the the towns economic prosperity

  • Encourage community buy-in and confidence.

The engagement should be:

  • Open and inclusive to all interested parties

  • Robust and representative

  • Provide adequate opportunities for all interested parties to have their say

  • Inline with current guidelines relating to Covid-19 and social distancing

  • Innovative in the way that engagement can take place

The timeline requires a quick turn around by those who are interested in providing this service and more information can be found at – www.kentbusinessportal.org.uk

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