Corporate Plan
Thanet District Council's Corporate Plan 2024 - 2028
Thanet District Council’s Corporate Plan 2024-2028
The council’s Corporate Plan sets out what the council will do over the next four years. It identifies the main priorities for the district. It includes an overview of how each of these priorities will be achieved.
This Corporate Plan reflects feedback received from residents that a safe and clean district, as well as a thriving local economy, are important and need to be improved. It also acknowledges that local people need affordable places to live and that this council needs to keep listening to residents in order to deliver what they want and to do so efficiently.
This plan will guide Councillors and staff, right across the organisation in their planning and help them to focus on what needs to be delivered over the next four years.
The aim is for the wider community to be aware of all the important work the council delivers.
There is a ten-year vision and the focus will be on working towards it. There are also five key priorities. They are all of equal importance.
- To keep our district safe and clean
- To deliver the housing we need
- To protect our environment
- To create a thriving place
- To work efficiently for you
The Vision
Thanet: A vibrant coastal resort where communities, businesses and residents thrive, supported by a listening and efficient council. Prosperity is increasing for all, protecting the environment is a common goal and there is pride in our beautiful place.
The Priorities
To keep our district safe and clean
Having safe and clean streets remains a priority for our residents.
We will continue to focus on the services we provide which help to create a clean and welcoming environment in the district.
We will be clear about what we will deliver and will call upon the community to support our endeavours through feedback, as well as education and enforcement when this is needed.
We will work within communities and with local groups and organisations, including the police, to improve the perception and reality of public safety.
To deliver the housing we need
We will deliver high-quality housing and prioritise the creation of additional council homes that are both accessible and affordable for local people.
We will build our reach and reputation as a social landlord, and provide new homes in sustainable locations with services to support residents.
We will expand in-house temporary accommodation to stop out-of-area homelessness placements and do all we can to prevent homelessness and reduce rough sleeping.
To protect our environment
We will deliver on our commitment to reach net zero by 2030, including retrofitting council-owned buildings to save energy, introducing more vehicle charging points, electric-only council vehicles and promoting active travel.
We will do more to make tackling climate change an achievable goal for all and will lead by example.
Increasing opportunities for biodiversity will be a priority wherever possible and we will maintain our parks and spaces to a standard for all to enjoy.
To create a thriving place
We will strengthen the local economy and do what we can to enable the whole community to take more pride in living here.
We will continue to deliver our multi-million pound regeneration schemes (Future High Street Fund, Levelling Up Fund, and Town Deal) including reviving the Port of Ramsgate.
We will build closer links with local businesses, actively supporting Thanet’s important tourism and cultural sectors. We will ensure our estate is managed effectively and work hard to improve the appearance of our towns, villages, residential neighbourhoods and coastline.
To work efficiently for you
We will be an efficient and effective council with a focus on continuous improvement.
Being open, transparent and responsive will be our default and we will strengthen our partnerships with town and parish councils. We will be clear about how our services are performing and provide more opportunities for you to help shape the way we work.
We will continue to transform and improve the way we deliver services online, streamlining the way our services are accessed. We will ensure that our digital ambition is inclusive.
View the Corporate Plan presentation.