Publication of the Birchington Conservation Area Appraisal

The council is seeking public consultation on the Birchington Conservation Area Appraisal, the culmination of a project to identify what should be preserved and enhanced in the Birchington Conservation Area, as well as proposals for its future management.

The project was undertaken by Thanet District Council and delivered in partnership with the council in response to requests from Birchington Parish Council’s overdue review of the area. Alan Baxter Ltd produced the report, currently at draft stage which incorporates the invaluable survey work. A six-week public consultation is currently being held to welcome thoughts on the draft document, from Monday 11 March to Monday 22 April and is open to comments Thanet-wide.

The appraisal sets out the special historic and architectural significance of the conservation area and suggests areas for change or expansion of the designated space. It will be used together with other planning policy documents to guide decisions on future development within the conservation area, focusing on a sympathetic design approach where required.

A printed version of the appraisal document is available to view at the Thanet District Council offices, Cecil Street, Margate CT9 1AY.

Public Consultation Form

Please complete our Public Consultation Form to provide your feedback.

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