Our Elections Team is always looking to recruit motivated and enthusiastic staff. We would love to hear from you if you’re interested in becoming involved.
To work at elections, you must:
be at least 18 years old at a polling station and 18 years old to work at the count.
not work on behalf of a candidate during the election campaign and not be related to a potential candidate
consent to working in excess of normal working hours outlined in the working time directive. Polling staff are not permitted to leave the premises during the hours of poll.
comply with secrecy requirements which will be supplied to all staff.
Working at a polling station
Polling station staff are responsible for making sure voting procedures are correctly followed. On election day, staff must have their polling station set up and ready to open for 7am, working through the day until after the polls close at 10pm.
All staff employed to work at a polling station must attend a training session before taking up their appointment.
Available roles:
attend training and any briefing sessions, and comply with Returning Officer’s instructions
collect ballot box and its contents two days before polling day and keep it secure
liaise with the polling station keyholder before polling day to confirm arrangements for opening and closing the premises
transport the ballot box and its contents to the polling station on polling day
open and close the polling station on time
organise the polling station layout, taking into account all voters’ needs
be aware of access issues and familiarise yourself with any special equipment or devices to help voters with disabilities
take charge of the polling station, ensuring the secrecy and security of the ballot
be responsible for the health and safety of polling station staff, voters and visitors
keep the polling station neat and tidy
instruct and supervise Poll Clerks
ask voters to show their photo identification and check the photo is a reasonable likeness before issuing ballot papers
check voters’ identification is on the approved list of acceptable ID
where applicable, check voters’ ID in a private area
when required, refusing to give a voter a ballot paper if they do not have an acceptable form of identification
ensure voters can cast their vote in secret, free from influence and in a calm atmosphere
check and mark electors off in the polling station register and complete other official paperwork
give voters ballot papers and make sure they put them into the ballot box
help voters where appropriate, and support disabled voters to use any special equipment or devices
deal with special voting procedures as required e.g., dealing with anonymous voters, issuing tendered ballot papers
accept completed postal vote packs handed in at the polling station
be polite and professional when dealing with all visitors to the polling station, remaining politically impartial at all times
maintain order in the polling station and calling for advice and help from the elections office where necessary
manage the attendance of official observers and others entitled to be in the polling station, making sure they do not interfere with the voting process
monitor the activities of candidate/party supporters known as ‘tellers’ outside the polling place
account for all ballot papers issued and unissued, and complete a ballot paper account
complete polling station paperwork throughout the day and at once the poll has closed
once the polls have closed and all votes have been cast, supervise the dismantling of the polling station, leaving the room as you found it
transport the ballot box to the designated drop off location
Counting assistants count the votes cast at polling stations, together with any postal votes. Depending on the election, counting may take place straight after the polls close (10pm on polling day) or on the following day.
Available roles:
comply with instructions and, where necessary, attend training
maintain the secrecy of the ballot
act professionally and impartially at all times
count ballot papers as directed by a supervisor
re-count ballot papers if required
when instructed, sort ballot papers for individual candidates/choices