Strategic housing new developments phase 3

Phase 3, Ramsgate

Thanet District Council’s Affordable Homes Programme Phase 3 is the redevelopment of two brownfield sites within the established residential areas of King Street and Sussex Street in Ramsgate.  The scheme has been funded in partnership with Homes England’s Affordable Homes Programme.  The redevelopment provides 26 new build units: a mixture of houses and apartments, on parcels of land historically providing blocks of garages.  The regeneration of these sites was delivered by local contractor WW Martin Ltd and was completed in June 2021.  All the units were allocated to households with a housing need identified on Thanet District Council’s Housing Register and let at an affordable rent (80% of the market rent).

All 26 units meet the Homes England Design Standard and Lifetime Homes Standard; a set of principles applied to general needs housing to provide accessible and convenient accommodation for a wide range of the population, from households with young children to older people, and individuals with temporary or permanent physical or sensory impairment.

The delivery programme has suffered delays as a result of challenges in the ground and the widespread disruption caused by the heath pandemic. However, TDC and WW Martin have worked collaboratively to mitigate delays wherever possible to ensure affordable housing is delivered as swiftly as possible.

We are very proud of the redevelopment of these derelict sites in Ramsgate and we will continue to deliver further affordable housing across the district. For more information on other TDC housing projects please see the main webpages ‘New Build Programme’ and ‘Live Margate Projects’.

Construction is complete (Summer 2021), but was delayed by the removal of a number of underground fuel storage tanks on this former garage site, and also restrictions imposed as a result of the health pandemic.

Scheme mix

To be let at Affordable Rent:

1 x 3 bed (6 person) flat

1 x 3 bed (5 person) flat

4 x 2 bed (4 person) flats

8 x 2 bed (3 person) flats

4 x 2 bed (3 person) mews houses

The redevelopment provides much needed affordable housing on this former garage and workshop site.


Construction is complete (Spring 2021), after being delayed by restrictions imposed as a result of the health pandemic.

Scheme mix

To be let at Affordable Rent:

2 x 3 bed (5 person) houses

6 x 2 bed (3 person) flats

This redevelopment provides much needed affordable family housing.


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