22 November, 2021

New Chair for Margate Town Deal Board

The Margate Town Deal Board and Thanet District Council has appointed Brian Horton as the new Chair of the Board.

Brian is a housing and development professional who has worked in senior positions in both the public and private sector. He was appointed on 17 November and will play a leading role in taking forward the Town Deal projects that HM Government is supporting with up to £22.2m of funding.

The Margate Town Deal Board is made up of representatives from the community, local government, business and voluntary sector and is responsible for driving forward the successful bid to the government’s Town Fund. The Board developed the Town Investment Plan which included projects to transform Margate’s economic growth prospects and ‘help it thrive 365’. Projects are grouped into the following four categories:

  1. Scaling creative production and skills
    • Establishing a Creative Land Trust
    • Improvements to the Theatre Royal
  2. Coastal wellbeing
    • Improvements to Walpole Bay and Oval Bandstand 
    • Skatepark
  3. Active movement and connections
    • A series of highway and public realm interventions
  4. Heritage assets
    • Repurposing the cinema building at Dreamland
    • Winter Garden future options appraisal

Outgoing interim Chair of Margate Town Deal,
David Smith CBE, Kent County Council said:

It has been an honour and pleasure to chair the Town Deal Board’s work developing a long term and sustainable delivery plan for investment in  Margate’s regeneration. Following the successful allocation of £22.2 million of government funding, the Board has been searching for a Chair from the private sector, which is a condition of that funding. I am delighted that Brian Horton has accepted the Board’s invitation to become its Chair.

“Brian was born in Margate and spent the early part of his life in the town, and now lives in Birchington. He is particularly passionate about building partnerships and the Board looks forward to working with him as we embark on delivering the ambitious projects outlined in the Town Investment Plan.”

New Chair of Margate Town Deal, Brian Horton, said:

“I am delighted to be appointed Chair of the Margate Town Deal Board and particularly pleased to be joining at such a pivotal time when we’re focused on the delivery of new and exciting projects across the town. 

“I was born in Margate and I have a real passion and pride in my hometown.

“Margate is really buzzing with a growing ambition about what can be achieved. We will work collaboratively to build on this to create a strong and vibrant future for our town and its people.

“I am extremely grateful for all the hard work, community contributions and creative thinking that went into the Town Investment Plan. I am confident that it will help unlock further investment to secure Margate’s economic potential and improve the lives of everyone who lives, works and visits the town.”

Cllr Reece Pugh, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development at Thanet District Council said:

“We’re so pleased to welcome Brian to the Board. He knows and loves Margate and shares the Board’s drive for achieving the best possible deal for its residents and businesses.”

The Town Deal Board has already submitted its first Business Case Summary for the Creative Land Trust and is now developing detailed business cases for the remaining projects for submission to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) in Spring 2022.

For more information on the Margate Town Deal, visit www.margatetowndeal.co.uk.

If you would like to be among the first to hear about news and updates, please email the project team on margate-town-deal@thanet.gov.uk and request to be added to the mailing list. 

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