24 July, 2024

Council confirms new conditions for Dreamland Licence following review

At a meeting of Thanet District Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee today, Wednesday 24 July 2024, a full Premises Licence Review of Dreamland Events and Amusements Building and Park, Marine Terrace, Margate was conducted.

The review was requested by Kent Police, following incidents at an event at Dreamland on Saturday 29 June 2024. During the meeting, representations were given by responsible authorities, including the council’s Licensing and Environmental Health teams and Kent Police as well as members of the public and other interested parties. 

The Sub-Committee was presented with a set of conditions agreed by the Police, Dreamland and Thanet District Council.

The decision of the Sub-Committee is to amend the licence to include the agreed conditions and include an additional condition to be listed at 3c (xiv), to read “Event management will have to specifically cover boundary security”.

In addition, the Sub-Committee imposes the conditions as interim measures, pending expiry of the time for appeal or the determination of any such appeal. These interim measures will replace any previous conditions imposed as interim steps.

The full Decision Notice will be published on the council’s website.

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