A legal challenge against the development consent order (DCO) for Manston airport has been denied.
Leader of Thanet District Council, Cllr Rick Everitt said: “We note the court’s decision today regarding the judicial review. Given the history of this matter, it is not immediately clear to us if this is the end of the DCO process.
“RiverOak Strategic Partners will be well aware that there are other legal processes to complete before the airport is able to operate according to their proposals, including a number of consents required from the district council as the local planning authority.
“Although there are different and strongly held views about Manston within the community, the council’s role is to engage constructively on these matters, as it would with any other planning applicant. If these matters now come forward then that is what we will do.”
Manston Airport is a privately owned site. Within Thanet District Council’s Local Plan it is safeguarded for airport-related uses.
In August 2022, the Secretary of State announced that the DCO for the Manston Airport site had been approved.
The application was submitted by Riveroak Strategic Partners who plan to reopen and develop Manston Airport into a dedicated air freight facility.
The council will address the DCO decision through the update of the Local Plan.