4 February, 2020

Port of Ramsgate High Level Feasibility Study

“Publication of this new feasibility study into the future of Ramsgate’s port and harbour marks the beginning of an exciting opportunity in the town’s regeneration. 

“The council hasn’t gone into this exercise with a predetermined view of what the future should look like and the range of options presented by consultants WSP in their report reflects that. 

“Our vision is to create something exciting that will help put the town on the map as a thriving place to live, work and visit. Residents know that Ramsgate already has a lot to offer, but making the best use of the port and harbour can only enhance the success of the town’s existing economy.

“Over the next three months, we will be sharing this report with residents, stakeholders and other interested parties in order to get their views on the options provided. We will be providing residents with the opportunity to send their comments to us and there will be a series of engagement events in the town to help shape next steps.

“Ramsgate has a strong and proud maritime history and we are committed to pursuing the option that will give us the best platform to celebrate that.”

Leader and Cabinet Member for the Port and Harbour, Cllr Rick Everitt

Read the WSP Port of Ramsgate High Level Feasibility Study.


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