Thanet District Council’s annual Residents’ Survey has now started. Six thousand households in Thanet will receive a postcard inviting them to take part. It is a chance for people to have their say about where they live and the services provided by the council.
The survey, which can be completed online, invites residents who have been randomly selected, to give their views on some of the council’s key services. The council provides over 30 different services and the information received will help to determine its priorities and shape the work it does in the district.
The online survey should take around 15 minutes to complete.
Since 2010, the council has seen a 60% reduction in funding from central government. In real terms this represents about £8 million in cuts. This has resulted in increased pressure to fund a greater proportion of local services from Council Tax. The financial outlook for councils is expected to remain challenging. In light of this, it is essential that council resources are targeted to meet residents’ priorities.
Cllr Ash Ashbee, Leader of Thanet District Council said: “The annual residents’ survey offers residents a chance to tell us about the things that they think matter most and where we should be focussing. The insight we get helps us to plan for the future, identify areas where there is a need for improvement and understand what people would like us to be spending money on.
“Last year, residents were very clear that clean streets, feeling safe and thriving towns were important and also in need of improvement. We have made those things a priority and introduced changes to the street cleansing service; launched a new community shield scheme, in partnership with local businesses, to create a network of safe places across the district for anyone who may be lost, a victim of crime or in need of medical assistance; and continued to bid for funding that will allow us to help our towns to thrive.
“I would urge anyone who receives a postcard from us to please take the time to have their say. Hearing directly from residents, about what they really want, helps us to deliver the services that people are most keen to see prioritised.”
The random sample of residents will receive a postcard providing them with a unique reference number which they will need to complete the survey online. All responses to the survey will remain anonymous. The survey can be completed by any resident (aged 18+) living at that address, but only one survey can be completed per household.
The survey 2022 is being carried out in the autumn, to link in with the council’s budget setting process. Results from last year’s survey can be found on our website.
Households with a unique code should go to to take part. All surveys should be completed by 5pm on Friday 4 November 2022.
Residents invited to complete the survey will also be given information on how to request a printed copy if one is required. The results will be published and will be used to help inform our services in the future.