Address: Warre Recreational Ground, Newington Road, Ramsgate CT11 0QX
Public Transport
- Bus Route-No34 from Minnis Bay and limited service Thanet Loop
- Train Station-Ramsgate (Pathway to train station) 15 minute walk from Train Station
Site Description
large green open space lined with trees behind the fire station with a skate park and a basketball court
Site Area: 25,915.2m²
Size of Events
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Types of Events
- Enthusiast
- Charity
- Commercial
- Active Recreation
- Community
- Electricity: None
- Water: None
- Toilets: None
- Parking: None
- Multi use games area: Skate park, Basketball Court
Event History: Sport Events (Summer Slam, Park Tours – Inflatable football pitch)
Disability Access
Access by tarmac paths onto grass
Trees would prohibit some access to the green for large vehicle access. If it is a wet season, an event organiser maybe given two weeks’ notice from TDC that they will not be able to use the site. Therefore event organisers will need to have a contingency plan for relocating their event in the circumstance of adverse conditions. If grass areas are damaged, the reinstatement cost for the grassed area would need to be reimbursed by the Event Organiser.