Address: Ramsgate Royal Harbour, Ramsgate CT11 9RN / Pier Yard, Harbour Parade, Ramsgate CT11 8LS / Turning Circle Harbour Parade, Ramsgate CT11 8LP
Public Transport
- Bus Route-Thanet Loop
- Train Station-Ramsgate 10/15 minute walk from Town Centre
Site Description
This area is made up of different areas that are used individually or as a whole. The Harbour, Harbour Parade, The Turning Circle, Paved area by the Obelisk, Pier Yard, East and West Crosswall. Harbour with Highways and Parking Bays surrounded by businesses including cafes, bars, and restaurants.
Size of Events
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Types of Events
- Enthusiast
- Commercial
- Community
- Fun Fairs
- Electricity: Yes
- Toilets: Located next to the Royal Pavillion for opening times see here.
- Parking: Bays in Pier Yard, on East Crosswall and on Harbour Parade, Public Car Park – Leopold Street
- Concessionaires: Cafes, Restaurants, Bars, Traders
Disability Access
- Areas are accessible via pavements and some drop kerbs
Event History: Great British Seaside Festival, Summer Squall, Monster Bass, Jazz Festival, Ramsgate Handmade Markets, Operation Dynamo
Access – When using Pier Yard access has to be maintained to East Pier and East Crosswall. When using the area around the Obelisk, street furniture needs to be taken into consideration. Also consideration has to be taken for the Café and its seating area.