Address: Ramsgate Main sands, Marine Esplanade, Ramsgate CT11 8LX
Public Transport
- Bus Route-Thanet Loop
- Train Station- Ramsgate 5 minute walk from Ramsgate Harbour
Site Description
Sandy beach area in Ramsgate where the Royal Victoria Pavilion back onto the site and the harbour wall at one end.
Site Area: 66,199.8m²
Size of Event
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Types of Event
- Enthusiast
- Charity
- Commercial
- Community
- Active Recreation
- Electricity: None
- Water: None
- Toilets: Located on the east pier Yard next to Wetherspoons and the Bathing Station (Marina Esplanade) for opening times please see here.
- Parking: Parking Bays on Harbour Parade, Leopold Car Park or Street Parking or car parks on Marina Esplanade
- Concessionaires: Kiddies Corner, Units 1 and 2 Cafes, Café by the Bathing Station
- Multi-Use Games Area: Table Tennis
Disability Access
- Accessible by slope. Beach Within Reach wheelchair available from Bay Inspectors Office
Event History: Monster Bass Festival, Summer Squall, Tea Party, Thanet Coast Project Activities, Beach Blasts, Contra Pop Music Festival
Concessionaires to be advised of an event. Organisers need to consider not having two large events on consecutive weeks due to noise disturbance to residents.