If you decide to make an appeal, you must continue to pay your business rates while your appeal is outstanding.
If you disagree with your 2017 rateable value
The revaluation came into effect from 1 April 2017.
If you have reason to believe that your 2017 rateable value is not correct, you will need to do the following:
- Check – review and confirm the facts about your property held by the VOA
- Challenge – once the facts are established, explain why you believe your valuation is wrong.
An appeal on your 2017 rateable value is not possible, and may not be necessary, until you have completed check and challenge.
Find out more about the 2017 revaluation on GOV.UK
If you disagree that you are liable for business rates
If you are not satisfied that the council has made the correct decisions regarding your liability for payment, you must write to us saying why you should not be held responsible for paying.
You should state your name and address, the reference number on your account and explain, with reasons, what you object to.
If you think that your bill has not been worked out correctly
If you disagree with how your business rates bill was worked out, such as if rate relief has not been given, then you should write to the Business Rates section. You need to tell us:
- your name and address
- the address of the premises in question
- what your interest is in the premises (for example, owner or tenant)
- what you disagree with and why you disagree with it.
If you disagree with the date on a completion notice
If you have been served a completion notice on a new or altered building and you think that the building cannot reasonably be expected to be completed by the date shown on the notice, you can appeal to the Valuation Tribunal.
This should be done within four weeks of the date on which the notice was served.
More information and application forms for appealing against a completion notice are available on the Valuation Tribunal website.