Application to run a business from a council residential property

If you are thinking of running a business from your council home (even if it is from the garden shed) you must have our permission. If you do not have permission, you will be in breach of your tenancy agreement and at risk of losing your home. (Leaseholders must apply for planning permission, and have the property changed from residential to business on the lease agreement.)

This is part of your tenancy agreement:

3.2.3 You must not run a business from the property without first obtaining our written permission. We will consider factors such as the amount of noise generated, any nuisance that may be caused to your neighbours or whether damage will occur to the property. Even if we give our consent as your landlord, you may also still need to obtain planning permission for a change of use.

  • Your business must not cause a nuisance to other residents, or damage the property.
  • We will agree to most reasonable requests.
  • You must be considerate to your neighbours.
  • You must not put up any advertising.
  • You must not cause damage to the building.
  • You must not have lots of deliveries or collections.
  • You must not have people coming and going at all hours.

When we receive your application, we will thoroughly investigate it before we make a decision.

  • You must not start the business before you have permission.
  • You may also need to apply for planning permission separately.

Please complete our online application form to run a business from your council residential property

Your business may have implications for the amount of council tax you pay. You could be charged business rates for the part of the property used for work. More information can be found on our business web pages.


If you have clients or customers visiting your home, you will need public liability insurance.

If you have employees working in the property, you will need employer’s liability insurance.

Business cover is needed if you are storing important equipment, documents or stock.

Important – we will ask to see these documents once the business is set up.


To check if you will need planning permission, please look at the advice on The Thanet District Council Planning web pages.


Leaseholders need planning permission to change the use of the property from residential to business on the lease agreement. An application can be made from the Thanet District Council Planning web pages.

A copy of the certification must be sent for the attention of the Home Ownership Officer by email: myhome@thanet.gov.uk or by post: Tenant and Leaseholder Services, Thanet District Council, Cecil Street, Margate, CT9 1XZ.

If a certificate is not provided, this is a breach of the lease and court action can be sought.


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