Are you aware or concerned for someone rough sleeping in Thanet?
Please report it using the Streetlink website. Please remember to give us as much information as possible.
Information and support for people who are rough sleeping or homeless
Are you aware or concerned for someone rough sleeping in Thanet?
Please report it using the Streetlink website. Please remember to give us as much information as possible.
People who have nowhere else to go, who are sleeping on the streets or in a tent are considered to be rough sleeping, which is an extreme form of homelessness. If you are concerned about someone who is rough sleeping you can:
If someone is at risk of becoming homeless please see our homeless or at risk of losing your home page.
Helping someone who is rough sleeping can often be more complex and mean more than just finding physical accommodation. There may be a number of underlying reasons that have led to someone not having somewhere to live and a person may be in need of additional support from a number of different services.
The council has been successful in applying for funding to establish a new multi-agency team to work with those who are rough sleeping and most in need of support.
RISE stands for Rough sleeper Intervention, Support and Empowerment
The Thanet RISE project is a multi-agency partnership between Thanet District Council, Forward Trust Drug and Alcohol Service, Serveco, Invicta Health Care, Department for Work and Pensions, Paramount Independent Properties and Porchlight working together to support rough sleepers in Thanet.
The overarching focus of this award winning project is to address any underlying barriers to finding and maintaining accommodation. The team includes staff from the councils homeless and landlord liaison services working jointly with in reach and outreach support workers, Substance Misuse specialists, Mental Health expert as well as other commissioned specialist services to reduce rough sleeping and homelessness.
PermalinkThe team carries out early morning and late night outreach to identify and verify people who are actively rough sleeping and work with them to develop a support plan to tackle any underlying barriers to accomodation.
This can range from providing food and clothing, helping someone to complete applications, obtaining identification, supporting emotional and mental wellbeing, physical health, practical skills, budgeting, support with any substance misuse.
The team undertake street triage and complete detailed needs assessments putting the person at the centre of their reconnection and work as intensively as is needed and also deliver in reach support when someone moves into accommodation.
We can only work with people if they are willing to work with us, but recognise that for some people this can be small steps. The RISE team holds no enforcement powers and will work with clients at their own pace.
PermalinkTo contact us call 01843 577277 – or 01843 577000 in an emergency out of hours.
Drop in and see us:
Tuesday’s 2.30-4.30pm GAP Baptist Church, Broadstairs
Thursday’s 7.00-9.00am Ramsgate Salvation Army, High Street, Ramsgate
Alternatively you can email us at
PermalinkWe recognise that some clients need more support than others.
We work with a person-centred approach in mind and tailor the support given by the team to the individual, in order to set the client up for success.
The support our clients receive enables us to offer landlords who work with us peace of mind.
Thanet RISE Project is a multi-agency team created by Thanet District Council and includes the following agencies; Thanet District Council, Serveco Homeless Support service, Invicta Health CIC, Forward Trust, Paramount Independent Properties, Department of Work & Pensions and The Salvation Army, working together to support rough sleepers in Thanet.
The wrap-around support provided encourages clients to live more fulfilling lives, helping them to sustain accommodation.
If a rough sleeper is deemed as non-priority by Thanet District Council, they will be referred to RISE for support.
Once a client is referred the team will look to verify them as rough sleeping. Once verified, they will be invited to attend a multi-agency needs assessment where a team member from each service within RISE
attends, a care plan is created for the client and they are assigned a key worker.
The key worker will empower and support the client with appointments, tasks, property searches and complete onward referrals. The client will meet with our Landlord Liaison Officer to assess their affordability. Once they are tenancy-ready, and a property is identified, they are then supported to move in by the RISE team. The key worker will continue working with the client once housed.
Inreach support is given to clients when they move into substantive accommodation. This includes:
Once a client is closed to RISE, they can be reopened at any time. This can be done by client direct or a phone call from the Landlord to our Landlord Liaison Officer.
PermalinkThere are regular drop in services available to rough sleepers across Thanet. More details can be found below or by downloading our calendar here.
Information can also be found on our winter shelter and Severe Weather Emergency Protocol.
The Gap Project located in Queen Road Baptist Church, Broadstairs works in partnership within the local community – meeting their needs by providing activities and support for individuals and families. For more information call: 01843 602762 or email:
Open times: Tuesday and Fridays 2.30pm – 4.30pm.
Access to:
Telephone number : 01843 602762
PermalinkFor more information regarding SWEP please visit
PermalinkThere are lots of ways you can help people and get involved by donating or volunteering your time.