Your tenancy agreement

As a tenant, we will expect you to do a number of things, including:

    • pay your rent on time
    • not owe us any rent (called ‘rent arrears’)
    • tell the council’s benefit section if your entitlement to housing or council tax benefit has ended
    • respect your neighbours and allow them to enjoy their homes in peace and quiet
    • not to take part in any anti-social behaviour such as playing loud music late at night, late night DIY, allowing your home to be used for selling/taking drugs, letting your dogs bark for long periods of time, etc
  • let us know if your circumstances change, for example if your partner comes to live with you or your adult child leaves home
  • allow our contractors access to service your gas appliances once a year (required by law)
  • let us know if you want to run a business from your home. You must get permission from us to do this, but we may refuse depending on the nature of the business

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