27 January, 2021

Have your say in our beaches and coastline consultation

The Council is currently consulting on two proposals which will affect how residents and visitors use and enjoy our coastline and foreshores.

The first proposal being consulted on is the introduction of a new Beaches and Coast Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), which is based on our current bylaws. The second proposal focuses on the way that Powered Water Crafts (PWC) access and use our coastline, as well as changes to our water user group.


Introduction of a new beaches and coast PSPO

The proposed PSPO will help protect our coastline and beaches with one code of conduct that replaces our current beach byelaws. The introduction of the new PSPO will create a safer beach environment for all to enjoy, through deterring and reducing crime and anti-social behaviour and other undesirable activities, which our local communities and visitors are impacted by currently.

PSPOs are only to be used to protect communities from unwanted anti-social behaviours and are only enforceable where there is reasonable evidence to do so. Breaking the rules is a criminal offence which could result in a Fixed Penalty Notice.

The PSPO will reflect and replace the existing bylaws, with minimal changes to the current rules. A full list of what the PSPO will cover can be found on our website.

The only significant change to the current bylaws is BBQs being allowed on Joss Bay after 6pm, as opposed to anytime, which it is at the moment.


Powered Water Crafts (PWC) and the Water User Group

This proposal looks at how PWC access our foreshore and coastline. It seeks to make significant changes to the rules and regulations regarding acceptable behaviours. The proposal includes:

  • All public launch sites will be restricted and membership to the Water User Group for owners of these crafts will not be available. If a PWC user wants to launch in Thanet, they will be able to do so from existing clubs including:
    • Either Jet Ski World or the Beresford Water Ski Club (day rates and membership may be required)
    • Ramsgate Harbour (once launching/mooring fees are paid. Daily rate available)
  • A new set of rules regarding acceptable ownership and behaviour for PWC users and members of  the Water User Group
  • The Ramsgate Western Undercliff slipway will no longer be used for any craft including fishing boats
  • The Walpole Bay Bathing Pool is for bathing only, no watersports or crafts are permitted.


Cllr Steve Albon, Cabinet Member for Operational Services at Thanet District Council said:

“The proposed new PSPO and rules for PWC owners and Water User Group members provides us with an opportunity to make our foreshores and coastline safer and more enjoyable for all of its users.

“I would encourage anyone who spends time on our fantastic coastline to read the proposals and provide us with their valuable feedback.”

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