Disabled facility grants: Step-by-step guide

Being referred for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)

We ask you to approach the Kent County Council in the first instance, so that your needs can be assessed.  If the assessor thinks your home needs adapting they may refer you to Thanet District Council for a Disabled Facilities Grant.  This assessment might help you to get other assistance such as a care package or minor adaptions without needing to apply for a DFG.

Contact the county duty service on 03000 416161.


When Thanet Council receives your referral we will send you a letter to confirm that our Grant Officer will be paying you a visit to help you complete a form about your finances. The Grant Officer will visit within one month of the date of the letter.

During the visit the Grant Officer will inspect your property to check that it is suitable for the works to be carried out, help you complete the necessary forms and talk through the grant process. You will also be asked if you would like an agency to help you with the grant process.


Following the Thanet Council Grant Officer’s visit a letter will be sent out that confirms if a grant is available to you and whether you will be required to pay a contribution towards the costs of works. You will also be advised of your position on the waiting list and the likely length of time it is going to take for you to reach the top of the list. The letter will also confirm who you have chosen to be your agent (if you requested one).

You will remain on the waiting list until you reach the top.  In June 2015 we finally reduced the waiting list to zero, so most people now have to wait just a few weeks from the Grant Officer’s visit before the receive a grant offer.


As soon as you reach the top of the list the Council will notify your Occupational Therapist and your requested agency who will then visit you to draw some plans for the works you require. Once these drawings have been agreed by the Council, the agency will help you complete the application forms and invite some builders to tender for the work.

If you have chosen not use an agency then you will be sent all the paperwork with a letter detailing what to do next.

Once the agency has gathered all the information they will send it to the Council for the grant to be checked and approved. You may receive another visit from the Grant Officer around this time.

If you are completing the application yourself you must ensure that all the correct information is submitted otherwise the grant will not be approved.


Once the grant has been approved by the Council your agency will be notified and they will let you know which builder will be doing the work. They will then arrange for the builder, the Occupational Therapist and the Grant Officer to attend a meeting at your house to discuss in more detail the works that are being carried out and when the works are going to start.

If you are not using an agency, you will be notified directly of which contractor you must use and you must tell the Grant Officer when the work is due to start.


When the works start they will be overseen by your agent. The Grant Officer may also visit from time to time. If any problems should arise at this time you must notify the agency and they will deal with the issue for you.

If you have chosen not to use an agent you must manage the work yourself and you will be responsible for ensuring that all the work that has been approved is completed.

It is very important that you do not make any changes to the scheme of work that has been approved, otherwise the grant may not be paid.


Once the work is complete, the Grant Officer and the agent will check all the works with you to make sure you are happy and to check that it has been completed to a good standard. You will then be asked to sign a form to allow the grant money to be paid. Once the grant is complete the case will be closed and you will then become responsible for the future maintenance of your property and any equipment that has been installed. Some equipment will have an extended warranty and any building work should be covered by the builder for 12 months.

If you are an owner of the property, there may be a requirement to repay part of the grant if you sell the property within 10 years from the date the grant was paid.  The amount you might have to repay will be registered as a local land charge by the council.

For further advice or information contact us.


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