Overpayments happen for various reasons. An overpayment often occurs if you don’t tell us about a change of circumstances, for example if your income has increased or if someone has moved into or out of your property.
Overpayments due to delayed benefit awards
Sometimes, you may be claiming Housing Benefit whilst you are waiting for another Social Security benefit to be awarded.
If you are then awarded the other benefit, this may result in an overpayment of Housing Benefit. We will usually ask for this money to be repaid.
If an overpayment wasn’t your fault
If you reported a change to us and we didn’t act on it for a long time, we won’t automatically ask for it to be repaid. Much will depend on whether you knew you were being overpaid Housing Benefit at the relevant time.
To reduce the risk of an overpayment, please tell us straight away about any changes in your circumstances. You must tell us about any changes and not rely on anyone else to do it for you. Even if you have told the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), you must still tell us.
Each time your Housing Benefit entitlement is worked out, you receive a letter telling you the information we have used in the calculation. You are responsible for making sure the information we have used is correct.
Please check the letters we send to you. If you notice a mistake please contact us straight away.