Licensing Consultations
Draft Gambling Statement of Principles 2025 – 2028
The Gambling Act 2005 requires the council to prepare and publish a Statement of Principles every three years. This document sets out how we will undertake our functions in relation to the Act and provides a framework within which decisions related to gambling will be made. As such, we would like to hear views from local businesses, ward councillors, residents and responsible authorities.
Under the Act, the council regulates the provision of premises for gambling (including betting shops, bingo halls and amusement arcades), the provision of gaming machines in clubs and alcohol licensed premises and small society lottery registration.
We are consulting on our draft Statement of Principles until Friday 3 January 2025.
You can view the draft here: Consultation draft Statement of Principles 2025- 2028
Comments on the draft Statement of Principles can be submitted via
Your email must include your name and address and be headed with the name of the document. Any emails received without a name and address will not be considered.
Letters can be sent to Technical Support Team (Licensing), Thanet District Council, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent CT9 1XZ and must include all the information listed above.
Consultation Draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2025 – 2030
Thanet District Council, as the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003, is undertaking a consultation process to renew its Statement of Licensing Policy. As such, we would like to hear views from local businesses, ward councillors, residents and responsible authorities.
The Licensing Act 2003 regulates the sale of alcohol, the provision of entertainment, and late night refreshment in England and Wales:
- Alcohol: The sale of alcohol on- and off-premises, including in registered clubs
- Entertainment: The provision of regulated entertainment, such as live or recorded music, films, plays, dancing, boxing, wrestling, and indoor sporting events
- Late night refreshment: The sale of hot food and/or hot non-alcoholic drinks between 11pm and 5am
The objectives of the Licensing Act 2003 are to:
- Provide a clear framework for making decisions about applications
- Prevent crime and disorder
- Ensure public safety
- Prevent public nuisance
- Protect children from harm
The Act came into force on 24 November 2005. It requires businesses to apply for a licence to engage in these activities. The three main types of licences are: Premises licences, Club premises certificates and Personal licenses.
The consultation will end on Friday 3 January 2025.
You can view the draft here: Consultation Draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2025-2030
Comments on the draft Statement of Licensing Policy can be submitted via
Your email must include your name and address and be headed with the name of the document. Any emails received without a name and address will not be considered.
Letters can be sent to Technical Support Team (Licensing), Thanet District Council, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent CT9 1XZ and must include all the information listed above.
Comment on our consultations
All comments to either document must include:
- your name and address,
- the title of the document you are commenting on
- the page/item you are commenting on if applicable