Parish & town council precepts

Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.

Area Tax Base
Band D
Band D 2023/24
Acol 117.42 10,040.00 85.50 83.25 2.26 2.71
Birchington 4,020.82 165,738.00 41.22 38.25 2.97 7.76
Broadstairs & St Peters 9,890.59 817,160.00 82.62 75.42 7.20 9.60
Cliffsend 864.11 26,986.00 31.23 29.43 1.80 6.12
Manston 904.18 34,420.00 38.07 28.53 9.54 33.43
Margate 13,514.87 152,045.00 11.25 11.34 – 0.09 – 0.79
Minster 1,352.52 98,599.00 72.90 69.57 3.33 4.79
Monkton 314.58 17,497.00 55.62 53.10 2.52 4.80
Ramsgate 12,391.66 1,060,602.00 85.59 82.26 3.33 4.10
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre 528.81 27,460.00 51.93 48.96 2.97 6.06
Westgate 2,554.50 209,213.55 81.90 73.80 8.10 10.98

For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.

The following town councils, parish councils and charter trustees intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2024/25.

Birchington Parish Council
Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council
Margate Charter Trustees
Ramsgate Town Council
Westgate on Sea Town Council
Staffing & Administration 111,840 418,275 105,655 529,550 119,500
Civic & Election 0 21,000 23,485 23,500 5,850
Events & Promotion 13,100 277,500 22,530 167,630 28,021
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) 69,173 186,510 375 386,652 75,502
Transferred to/from balances 0 100,000 0 0 0
Income (28,375) (186,125) 0 (46,730) (19,660)
Total Precept 165,738 817,160 152,045 1,060,602 209,213

For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:

Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.

Area Tax Base
Band D
Band D 2022/23
Acol 117.79 9,806.00 83.25 80.37 2.88 3.58
Birchington 4,014.58 153,558.00 38.25 34.38 3.87 11.26
Broadstairs & St Peters 9,802.23 739,280.00 75.42 71.82 3.60 5.01
Cliffsend 863.00 25,398.00 29.43 21.78 7.65 35.12
Manston 737.46 21,040.00 28.53 31.41 – 2.88 – 9.17
Margate 13,354.28 151,437.00 11.34 10.71 0.63 5.88
Minster 1,332.42 92,696.00 69.57 67.59 1.98 2.93
Monkton 314.03 16,675.00 53.10 50.40 2.70 5.36
Ramsgate 12,161.89 1,000,437.00 82.26 80.64 1.62 2.01
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre 533.89 26,140.00 48.96 48.96 0.00 0.00
Westgate 2,527.89 186,560.00 73.80 64.17 9.63 15.01

For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.

The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2023/24.

Birchington Parish Council
Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council
Margate Charter Trustees
Ramsgate Town Council
Westgate on Sea Town Council
Staffing & Administration 98,955 360,750 140,950 455,000 119,600
Civic & Election 4,000 22,000 27,300 13,000 5,850
Events & Promotion 14,500 202,250 7,500 129,600 8,321
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) 64,253 175,049 687 450,187 70,298
Transferred to/from balances 0 110,031 (25,000) 0 0
Income (28,150) (130,800) 0 (47,350) (17,509)
Total Precept 153,558 739,280 151,437 1,000,437 186,560

For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:


Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.

Area Tax Base
Band D
Band D 2021/22
Acol 118.32 9,509.00 80.37 59.67 20.70 34.69
Birchington 4,007.50 137,777.00 34.38 28.71 5.67 19.75
Broadstairs & St Peters 9,659.20 693,724.00 71.82 68.40 3.42 5.00
Cliffsend 798.50 17,391.00 21.78 21.51 0.27 1.25
Manston 668.43 20,995.00 31.41 36.72 – 5.31 – 14.46
Margate 13,191.74 141,349.00 10.71 9.18 1.53 16.72
Minster 1,302.62 88,044.00 67.59 69.30 – 1.71 – 2.47
Monkton 294.67 14,851.00 50.40 50.40 0.00  0.00
Ramsgate 11,907.38 960,212.00 80.64 80.64 0.00 0.00
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre 508.55 24,899.00 48.96 48.96 0.00 0.00
Westgate 2,518.29 161,600.00 64.17 60.21 3.96 6.58

For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.

The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2022/23.

Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council
Margate Charter Trustees
Ramsgate Town Council
Westgate on Sea Town Council
Staffing & Administration 322,200 112,050 399,322 105,855
Civic & Election 12,900 24,025 34,750 3,350
Events & Promotion 193,755 22,200 154,200 9,200
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) 249,069 575 429,440 53,870
Transferred to/from balances 50,000 (17,501) 0 0
Income (134,200) 0 (57,500) (10,675)
Total Precept 693,724 141,349 960,212 161,600

For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:


Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.

Area Tax Base
Band D
Band D
Acol 117.64 7,020.00 59.67 46.53 13.14 28.25
Birchington 3,992.58 114,630.00 28.71 27.27 1.44 5.28
Broadstairs & St Peters 9,584.50 655,580.00 68.40 68.40 0.00 0.00
Cliffsend 767.57 16,507.00 21.51 22.14 – 0.63 – 2.87
Manston 544.93 20,010.00 36.72 40.77 – 4.05 – 9.93
Margate 12,966.12 119,000.00 9.18 11.61 – 2.43 – 20.95
Minster 1,271.29 88,100.00 69.30 64.98 4.32 6.65
Monkton 276.51 13,936.00 50.40 50.40  0.00 0.00
Ramsgate 11,690.32 942,708.00 80.64 79.02 1.62 2.05
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre 461.83 22,611.00 48.96 52.83 – 3.87 – 7.33
Westgate 2,482.41 149,475.00 60.21 56.61 3.60 6.37


For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.

The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2021/22.

Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council
Ramsgate Town Council
Westgate on Sea Town Council
Staffing & Administration 294,283 336,300 95,600
Civic & Election 94,754 30,300 3,950
Events & Promotion 82,275 145,000 6,000
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) 337,640 477,308 48,585
Transferred to/from balances 0 0 0
Income (153,372) (46,200) (4,660)
Total Precept 655,580 942,708 149,475


For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:


Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.

Area Tax Base
Band D
Band D
Acol 118.11 5,496.00 46.53 25.56 20.97 82.05%
Birchington 4,004.14 109,210.00 27.27 26.37 0.90 3.43%
Broadstairs & St Peters 9,670.35 661,452.00 68.40 59.49 8.91 14.98%
Cliffsend 742.70 16,446.00 22.14 22.23 -0.09 -0.39%
Manston 514.39 20,972.00 40.77 40.14 0.63 1.57%
Margate 13,112.73 152,250.00 11.61 10.08 1.53 15.19%
Minster 1,273.44 82,748.00 64.98 58.77 6.21 10.57%
Monkton 280.46 14,135.00 50.40 50.40  0.00  0.00%
Ramsgate 11,908.41 941,003.00 79.02 65.07 13.95 21.44%
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre 427.73 22,599.00 52.83 52.83 0.00 0.01%
Westgate 2,493.94 141,173.00 56.61 55.80 0.81 1.45%


For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.

The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2020/21.

Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council
Margate Charter Trustees
Ramsgate Town Council
Westgate on Sea Town Council
Staffing & Administration 266,373 115,525 330,000 93,933
Civic & Election 46,650 30,950 15,000 4,450
Events & Promotion 126,504 5,200 132,500 17,400
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) 389,528 575 509,503 37,212
Transferred to/from balances (42,530) 0 0 0
Income (125,073) 0 (46,000) (11,822)
Total Precept 661,452 152,250 941,003 141,173


For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:



Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.

Area Tax Base 2019/20
Precept 2019/20
Band D 2019/20
Band D 2018/19
Acol 115.04 2,940.00 25.56 61.02 -35.46 -58.12%
Birchington 3,981.48 104,992.00 26.37 16.38 9.99 60.99%
Broadstairs & St Peters 9,541.31 567,612.00 59.49 59.49 0.00 0.00%
Cliffsend 718.67 15,976.00 22.23 21.51 0.72 3.35%
Manston 473.32 19,000.00 40.14 37.71 2.43 6.45%
Margate 12,850.10 129,500.00 10.08 10.98 -0.90 -8.22%
Minster 1,242.66 73,031.00 58.77 51.12 7.65 14.96%
Monkton 277.69 13,995.00 50.40 38.25 12.15 31.76%
Ramsgate 11,687.40 760,500.00 65.07 61.92 3.15 5.09%
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre 422.07 22,298.00 52.83 52.83 0.00 0.00%
Westgate – on – Sea 2,453.53 136,906.00 55.80 54.81 0.99 1.81%


For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.

The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2019/20.

Broadstairs Town Council (£) Ramsgate Town Council (£)
Staffing & Administration 221,472 300,000
Civic & Election 47,954 30,000
Events & Promotion 106,775 122,000
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) 357,746 365,941
Transferred to/from balances 0 0
Income (166,335) (57,441)
Total Precept 567,612 760,500


For more information about Broadstairs Town Council or Ramsgate Town Council, please see their website:



Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.

Area Tax Base
Band D
Band D
Acol 112.73 6,879.00 61.02 39.69 21.33 53.75%
Birchington 3,918.92 64,192.00 16.38 14.13 2.25 15.92%
Broadstairs & St Peters 9,452.03 562,301.00 59.49 49.59 9.90 19.96%
Cliffsend 720.99 15,510.00 21.51 21.15 0.36 1.71%
Manston 491.30 18,527.00 37.71 35.28 2.43 6.89%
Margate 12,525.84 137,500.00 10.98 5.94 5.04 84.85%
Minster 1,199.55 61,321.00 51.12 47.61 3.51 7.37%
Monkton 275.05 10,520.00 38.25 30.69 7.56 24.63%
Ramsgate 11,395.29 705,596.00 61.92 51.93 9.99 19.24%
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre 397.37 20,993.00 52.83 40.59 12.24 30.15%
Westgate 2,415.60 132,400.00 54.81 41.49 13.32 32.11%


For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.

The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2018/19.

Broadstairs Town Council (£) Ramsgate Town Council (£)
Staffing & Administration 171,557 245,000
Civic & Election 24,954 30,500
Events & Promotion 118,175 110,500
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) 272,825 386,096
Transferred to/from balances 0 0
Income -25,210 -66,500
Total Precept 562,301 705,596


For more information about Broadstairs Town Council or Ramsgate Town Council, please see their website:



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