30 July, 2020

Margate Town Deal – ‘Call for Projects’

Margate was one of 101 places given the opportunity last year by the Government to bid for funding of up to £25 million as part of the Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund.

In line with Government guidelines, the Council has brought together a Board, including representatives from both public and private sectors, that is required to develop and submit a Town Investment Plan, which it aims to do by the end of October 2020. 

To maximise the investment opportunity, this Plan should set out priorities to drive economic growth, supported by clear evidence and targeting investment into the three main objectives of the fund. These are urban regeneration; planning and land use; skills and enterprise infrastructure and connectivity.

To ensure that all communities have the opportunity to be part of developing the Investment Plan, the Board is now inviting proposals for projects which could be included. It has created a Call for Projects form which is designed to allow residents, organisations and businesses to submit proposals or investment ideas that fit with the objectives of the Town Deal Fund and drive economic regeneration in Margate.

Graham Razey, Chair of the Margate Town Deal Board said:
“This is an exciting time for Margate and I’d like to encourage as many of you as possible to share ideas and project proposals with us. Projects should be clearly defined, consistent with the Towns Fund objectives and focused on Margate and Cliftonville. Please be bold in your thinking, especially when considering what Margate’s future could hold. Whilst we need a deliverable Investment Plan, we want it to be ambitious in order to secure the best possible outcomes for the town.”

Any organisation wishing to put forward a project should do so by 12 noon on Friday 14 August. More information and the ‘Call for Projects’ Form can be found at: thanet.gov.uk/mtd-project-call. Projects will need a lead individual or organisation and have the ability to be scoped into a deliverable plan.


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