Thanet District Council will be meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 2 November 2021 in the Council Offices at Cecil Square, Margate to discuss the four statutory recommendations issued by the Council’s external auditors Grant Thornton on 12 October 2021 under section 24 of the Audit and Accountability Act 2014.
The meeting is a public meeting, open to everyone and will also be live streamed via the Council’s website at
The recommendations to be considered are:
- Commission an experience, independent Monitoring Officer from a large local authority to report to the General Purposes Committee on:
- A risk assessment of the current employment tribunal claims and propose actions which safeguard the Council’s best interests including a detailed financial analysis of the options available to the Council.
- An assessment of the status of all outstanding grievances, alleged whistleblowing complaints and any continuing suspensions and propose a plan of action to address them.
- A lessons learnt report collating themes and recommendations from all externally commissioned reports and any other appropriate evidence.
- Bring the current IDSC process to a conclusion with clear actions that are reported and action monitored.
- Revisit the financial plans and identify additional savings plans to address the further cost pressures created in resolving the grievances and whistleblowing complaints.
- Agree an approach where the Council demonstrates that it is responding to the substance of concerns raised including a clear agreement on where Officer and Member responsibilities lie.
The full document containing the recommendations can be found on the Council’s website, under the following link: