Page links found under council tax

Council Tax scams

There have recently been reports of Council Tax scams across the country. If you receive an email, text message or phone call offering a Council Tax refund or a Council Tax band reassessment, do not give out any personal information, particularly bank account or debit or credit card details. Delete any emails or texts straight […]

How do I appeal against my Council Tax?

You cannot appeal against the general levels of Council Tax set by the council each year. If you appeal against your Council Tax, you must continue with your regular payments until your appeal has been dealt with.   If you think the banding for your property is wrong If you disagree with the Council Tax […]

Changes that might affect your Council Tax

We need to know about changes in your circumstances that may affect the Council Tax that you are liable to pay. Examples of changes that may affect your Council Tax are: If you change address. If you are getting a single person discount and another adult moves in. If you are a single parent getting a single person […]

Where your Council Tax goes

Thanet District Council, Kent County Council, The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent and Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority together deliver most of the local services in your area. If you live in an area with a parish or town council or that has charter trustees, they too provides some local services. The […]

Parish & town council precepts

Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below. Area Tax Base 2024/25 No. Precept 2024/25 £ Band D 20224/25 £ Band […]

How your Council Tax is calculated

The Council Tax for Thanet District Council is worked out by looking at what money is needed to run the services we provide, based on what we have set as our budget for the coming year. The total amount of Council Tax we need to collect is identified as the difference between the budget we […]

Arrears and debt recovery

Your Council Tax bill tells you how much Council Tax you have to pay for the year and the dates you have to pay it. If you’re on a low income or are entitled to a benefit paid by the Department for Work and Pensions or the Pension Service you may be entitled to Council Tax […]

Council Tax premium for long-term empty properties

An additional amount of Council Tax (a ‘premium’) is charged when a property has been empty and unfurnished for one year or more. From 1 April 2024, the following premiums apply: for properties that have been empty and substantially unfurnished for one year, but less than five years, the premium will be 100% for properties […]

Who should pay the Council Tax bill?

We work out who is responsible for paying the Council Tax by looking at the ‘Hierarchy of Legal Interest’ at the property. This ‘hierarchy’ is defined in government regulations and is based on the ‘status’ of the person(s) living at the property. The ‘highest’ person in the list below is the person who will be […]

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