How your Council Tax is calculated

The Council Tax for Thanet District Council is worked out by looking at what money is needed to run the services we provide, based on what we have set as our budget for the coming year.

The total amount of Council Tax we need to collect is identified as the difference between the budget we need and the money we already have to spend on services. This is shown in the table below:

Budget Summary 2024/25 £’000 2023/24


Diff % Per band D property £
Net Budget 2023/24 21,412 17,902 19.61%
Inflation 1,990 2,244
Increases in income and grants (234) (610)
Contribution to / from reserves (705) (657)
Growth 1,079 2,728
Identified savings (790) (852)
Net Budget 2024/25 22,752 20,755 9.62%
Retained Business Rates and Section 31 Grants (9,469) (8,060)
Government Revenue Support Grant (382) (358)
New Homes Bonus (228) (415)
Other Grants (755) (544)
(10,834) (9,377) 15.54%
Plus (or less)
Collection fund deficit (or surplus) 312 312
Expenditure to be met by Council Tax payers 12,226 11,693
Divided by equivalent number of Band D properties 46,454 45,759
Thanet Tax level (Band D) 263.18 255.54 2.99%
Parish Council precepts 56.39 52.95
Kent County Council precept 1,610.82 1,534.23
Kent Police Authority precept 256.15 243.15
Kent & Medway Fire and Rescue Authority’s precept 89.91 87.30
Council Tax level (Band D) 2,276.45 2,173.17 4.75% 103.28


Loan Liabilities – The Council’s total outstanding borrowings from external organisations on 31 March 2024 were estimated at £77.317m

The Council Tax for Thanet District Council is worked out by looking at what money is needed to run the services we provide, based on what we have set as our budget for the coming year.

The total amount of Council Tax we need to collect is identified as the difference between the budget we need and the money we already have to spend on services. This is shown in the table below:

Budget Summary 2023/24
Per Band D property
Net Budget 17,902 16,720 7.07%
Inflation 2,244 963
Increases in income and grants (610) (172)
Contribution to / from reserves (657) 136
Growth 2,728 1,058
Identified savings (852) (667)
Total 20,755 18,038 15.06%
Retained Business Rates and Section 31 Grants (8,060) (6,119)
Government Revenue Support Grant (358) (103)
New Homes Bonus (415) (549)
Other Grants (544) (575)
(9,377) (7,346) 27.65%
Plus (or less)
Collection fund deficit (or surplus) 312 468
Expenditure to be met by Council Tax payers 11,693 11,160
Divided by equivalent number of Band D properties 45,759 44,975
Thanet Tax level (Band D) 255.54 248.13 2.99%
Parish Council precepts 52.95 50.48
Kent County Council precept 1,534.23 1,461.24
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent precept 243.15 228.15
Kent & Medway Fire and Rescue Authority’s precept 87.30 82.35
Council Tax level (Band D) 2,173.17 2,070.35 4.97% 102.82


Loan Liabilities – The Council’s total outstanding borrowings from external organisations on 31 March 2023 were estimated at £48.157 million.


The Council Tax for Thanet District Council is worked out by looking at what money is needed to run the services we provide, based on what we have set as our budget for the coming year.

The total amount of Council Tax we need to collect is identified as the difference between the budget we need and the money we already have to spend on services. This is shown in the table below:

Budget Summary 2022/23
Per Band D property
Net Budget 16,720 16,982 -1.54%
Inflation 963 569
Increases in income and grants (172) (200)
Contribution to / from reserves 136 (1)
Growth 1,058 680
Identified savings (667) (865)
Total 18,038 17,165 5.09%
Retained Business Rates and Section 31 Grants (6,119) (5,910)
Government Revenue Support Grant (103) (100)
New Homes Bonus (549) (125)
Other Grants (575) (965)
(7,346) (7,100) 3.46%
Plus (or less)
Collection fund deficit (or surplus) 468 671
Expenditure to be met by Council Tax payers 11,160 10,736
Divided by equivalent number of Band D properties 44,975 44,155
Thanet Tax level (Band D) 248.13 243.13 2.06%
Parish Council precepts 50.48 48.68
Kent County Council precept 1,461.24 1,418.76
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent precept 228.15 218.15
Kent & Medway Fire and Rescue Authority’s precept 82.35 80.82
Council Tax level (Band D) 2,070.35 2,009.54 3.03% 60.81


Loan Liabilities – The Council’s total outstanding borrowings from external organisations on 31 March 2022 were estimated at £34,455 million.


The Council Tax for Thanet District Council is worked out by looking at what money is needed to run the services we provide, based on what we have set as our budget for the coming year.

The total amount of Council Tax we need to collect is identified as the difference between the budget we need and the money we already have to spend on services. This is shown in the table below:

Budget Summary 2021/22
Per Band D property
Net Budget 16,982 16,643 2.04%
Inflation 569 808
Increases in income and grants (200) (208)
Contribution to / from reserves (1) 86
Growth 680 561
Identified savings (865) (822)
Total 17,165 17,068 0.57%
Business Rates – share of central pool (5,910) (5,910)
Government Revenue Support Grant (inc S31 + Transition Grant) (100) (100)
New Homes Bonus (125) (118)
Other Grants and additional Business Rates income (965) (212)
(7,100) (6,340) 11.99%
Plus (or less)
Collection fund deficit (or surplus) 671 (120)
Expenditure to be met by Council Tax payers 10,736 10,608
Divided by equivalent number of Band D properties 44,155 44,546
Thanet Tax level (Band D) 243.13 238.14 2.10%
Parish Council precepts 48.68 48.66
Kent County Council precept 1,418.76 1,351.26
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent precept 218.15 203.15
Kent & Medway Fire and Rescue Authority precept 80.82 79.29
Council Tax level (Band D) 2,009.54 1,920.50 4.64% 89.04


Loan liabilities – The Council’s total outstanding borrowings from external organisations on 31 March 2021 were estimated at £41,025 million.



The Council Tax for Thanet District Council is worked out by looking at what money is needed to run the services we provide, based on what we have set as our budget for the coming year.

The total amount of Council Tax we need to collect is identified as the difference between the budget we need and the money we already have to spend on services. This is shown in the table below:

Budget Summary 2020/21
Per Band D property
Net Budget 2020/21 16,643 16,800 -0.93%
Inflation 808 408
Increases in income and grants (208) (190)
Contribution to / from reserves 86 0
Growth 561 675
Identified savings (822) (1,050)
Net Budget 2020/21 17,068 16,643 2.55%
Business Rates – share of central pool (5,910) (5,245)
Government Revenue Support Grant (inc S31 + Transition Grant) (100) (97)
New Homes Bonus (118) (586)
Other Grants and additional Business Rates income (212) (410)
(6,340) (6,338) 0.03%
Plus (or less)
Collection fund deficit (or surplus) (120) (100)
Expenditure to be met by Council Tax payers 10,608 10,205
Divided by equivalent number of Band D properties 44,546 43,763
Thanet Tax level (Band D) 238.14 233.19 2.12%
Parish Council precepts 48.66 42.20
Kent County Council precept 1,351.26 1,299.42
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent precept 203.15 193.15
Kent & Medway Fire and Rescue Authority precept 79.29 77.76
Council Tax level (Band D) 1,920.50 1,845.72 4.05% 74.78


Loan liabilities – the council’s total outstanding borrowings from external organisations on 31 March 2020 were estimated at £40,643 million.



The Council Tax for Thanet District Council is worked out by looking at what money is needed to run the services we provide, based on what we have set as our budget for the coming year.

The total amount of Council Tax we need to collect is identified as the difference between the budget we need and the money we already have to spend on services. This is shown in the table below:

Budget Summary 2019/20
Per band D property
Net Budget 2018/19 16,800 18,079 -7.07%
Inflation 408 400
Increases in income and grants (190) (390)
Contribution to / from reserves 0 0
Growth 675 1,468
Identified savings (1,050) (2,757)
Net Budget 2019/20 16,643 16,800 -0.93%
Business rates – share of central pool (5,245) (5,670)
Government Revenue Support Grant (inc S31
+ Transition Grant)
(97) (104)
New Homes Bonus (586) (1,011)
Other grants and additional business rates income (410) 0
(6,338) (6,785) -6.59%
Plus (or less)
Collection fund deficit (or surplus) (100) (300)
Expenditure to be met by Council Tax payers 10,205 9,715
Divided by equivalent number of Band D properties 43,763 42,905
Thanet Tax level (Band D) 233.19 226.44 2.98%
Parish Council precepts 42.20 40.46
Kent County Council precept 1,299.42 1,237.68
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent precept 193.15 169.15
Kent & Medway Fire and Rescue Authority’s precept 77.76 75.51
Council Tax level (Band D) 1,845.72 1,749.24 5.52% 96.48


Loan liabilities – the council’s total outstanding borrowings from external organisations on 31 March 2019 were estimated at £30,456,000



The Council Tax for Thanet District Council is worked out by looking at what money is needed to run the services we provide, based on what we have set as our budget for the coming year.

The total amount of Council Tax we need to collect is identified as the difference between the budget we need and the money we already have to spend on services. This is shown in the table below:

Budget Summary




Per band D property

Net Budget 2017/18 18,079 19,159 -5.64
Inflation 400 500
Increases in income and grants -390 -290
Contribution to / from reserves 0 -490
Growth 1,468 570
Identified savings -2,757 -1,860
Net Budget 2018/19 16,800 17,589 -4.49
Business Rates – share of central pool -5,670 -4,716
Government Revenue Support Grant (inc S31 + Transition Grant -104 -1,446
 New Homes Bonus -1,011 -1,877
-6,785 -8,039 -15.60
Plus (or less)
Collection fund deficit (or surplus) -300 -300
Expenditure to be met by Council Tax payers 9,715 9,250
Divided by equivalent number of Band D properties 42,905 42,069
Thanet Tax level (Band D) 226.44 219.87 2.99
Parish Council precepts 40.46 32.88
Kent County Council precept 1,237.68 1,178.82
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent precept 169.15 157.15
Kent & Medway Fire and Rescue Authority’s precept 75.51 73.35
Council Tax level (Band D) 1,749.24 1,662.07 5.24 87.17

Loan liabilities – the council’s total outstanding borrowings from external organisations on 31 March 2018 were estimated at £31,086,000


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