Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.
Area | Tax Base 2024/25 No. |
Precept 2024/25 £ |
Band D 20224/25 £ |
Band D 2023/24 £ |
Difference £ |
Difference % |
Acol | 117.42 | 10,040.00 | 85.50 | 83.25 | 2.26 | 2.71 |
Birchington | 4,020.82 | 165,738.00 | 41.22 | 38.25 | 2.97 | 7.76 |
Broadstairs & St Peters | 9,890.59 | 817,160.00 | 82.62 | 75.42 | 7.20 | 9.60 |
Cliffsend | 864.11 | 26,986.00 | 31.23 | 29.43 | 1.80 | 6.12 |
Manston | 904.18 | 34,420.00 | 38.07 | 28.53 | 9.54 | 33.43 |
Margate | 13,514.87 | 152,045.00 | 11.25 | 11.34 | – 0.09 | – 0.79 |
Minster | 1,352.52 | 98,599.00 | 72.90 | 69.57 | 3.33 | 4.79 |
Monkton | 314.58 | 17,497.00 | 55.62 | 53.10 | 2.52 | 4.80 |
Ramsgate | 12,391.66 | 1,060,602.00 | 85.59 | 82.26 | 3.33 | 4.10 |
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre | 528.81 | 27,460.00 | 51.93 | 48.96 | 2.97 | 6.06 |
Westgate | 2,554.50 | 209,213.55 | 81.90 | 73.80 | 8.10 | 10.98 |
For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.
The following town councils, parish councils and charter trustees intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2024/25.
Birchington Parish Council £ |
Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council £ |
Margate Charter Trustees £ |
Ramsgate Town Council £ |
Westgate on Sea Town Council £ |
Staffing & Administration | 111,840 | 418,275 | 105,655 | 529,550 | 119,500 |
Civic & Election | 0 | 21,000 | 23,485 | 23,500 | 5,850 |
Events & Promotion | 13,100 | 277,500 | 22,530 | 167,630 | 28,021 |
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) | 69,173 | 186,510 | 375 | 386,652 | 75,502 |
Transferred to/from balances | 0 | 100,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Income | (28,375) | (186,125) | 0 | (46,730) | (19,660) |
Total Precept | 165,738 | 817,160 | 152,045 | 1,060,602 | 209,213 |
For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:
- Birchington Parish Council
- Broadstairs Town Council
- Margate Charter Trustees
- Ramsgate Town Council
- Westgate on Sea Town Council
Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.
Area | Tax Base 2023/24 No. |
Precept 2023/24 £ |
Band D 2023/24 £ |
Band D 2022/23 £ |
Difference £ |
Difference % |
Acol | 117.79 | 9,806.00 | 83.25 | 80.37 | 2.88 | 3.58 |
Birchington | 4,014.58 | 153,558.00 | 38.25 | 34.38 | 3.87 | 11.26 |
Broadstairs & St Peters | 9,802.23 | 739,280.00 | 75.42 | 71.82 | 3.60 | 5.01 |
Cliffsend | 863.00 | 25,398.00 | 29.43 | 21.78 | 7.65 | 35.12 |
Manston | 737.46 | 21,040.00 | 28.53 | 31.41 | – 2.88 | – 9.17 |
Margate | 13,354.28 | 151,437.00 | 11.34 | 10.71 | 0.63 | 5.88 |
Minster | 1,332.42 | 92,696.00 | 69.57 | 67.59 | 1.98 | 2.93 |
Monkton | 314.03 | 16,675.00 | 53.10 | 50.40 | 2.70 | 5.36 |
Ramsgate | 12,161.89 | 1,000,437.00 | 82.26 | 80.64 | 1.62 | 2.01 |
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre | 533.89 | 26,140.00 | 48.96 | 48.96 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Westgate | 2,527.89 | 186,560.00 | 73.80 | 64.17 | 9.63 | 15.01 |
For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.
The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2023/24.
Birchington Parish Council £ |
Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council £ |
Margate Charter Trustees £ |
Ramsgate Town Council £ |
Westgate on Sea Town Council £ |
Staffing & Administration | 98,955 | 360,750 | 140,950 | 455,000 | 119,600 |
Civic & Election | 4,000 | 22,000 | 27,300 | 13,000 | 5,850 |
Events & Promotion | 14,500 | 202,250 | 7,500 | 129,600 | 8,321 |
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) | 64,253 | 175,049 | 687 | 450,187 | 70,298 |
Transferred to/from balances | 0 | 110,031 | (25,000) | 0 | 0 |
Income | (28,150) | (130,800) | 0 | (47,350) | (17,509) |
Total Precept | 153,558 | 739,280 | 151,437 | 1,000,437 | 186,560 |
For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:
- Birchington Parish Council
- Broadstairs Town Council
- Margate Charter Trustees
- Ramsgate Town Council
- Westgate on Sea Town Council
Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.
Area | Tax Base 2022/23 No. |
Precept 2022/23 £ |
Band D 2022/23 £ |
Band D 2021/22 £ |
Difference £ |
Difference % |
Acol | 118.32 | 9,509.00 | 80.37 | 59.67 | 20.70 | 34.69 |
Birchington | 4,007.50 | 137,777.00 | 34.38 | 28.71 | 5.67 | 19.75 |
Broadstairs & St Peters | 9,659.20 | 693,724.00 | 71.82 | 68.40 | 3.42 | 5.00 |
Cliffsend | 798.50 | 17,391.00 | 21.78 | 21.51 | 0.27 | 1.25 |
Manston | 668.43 | 20,995.00 | 31.41 | 36.72 | – 5.31 | – 14.46 |
Margate | 13,191.74 | 141,349.00 | 10.71 | 9.18 | 1.53 | 16.72 |
Minster | 1,302.62 | 88,044.00 | 67.59 | 69.30 | – 1.71 | – 2.47 |
Monkton | 294.67 | 14,851.00 | 50.40 | 50.40 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ramsgate | 11,907.38 | 960,212.00 | 80.64 | 80.64 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre | 508.55 | 24,899.00 | 48.96 | 48.96 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Westgate | 2,518.29 | 161,600.00 | 64.17 | 60.21 | 3.96 | 6.58 |
For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.
The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2022/23.
Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council £ |
Margate Charter Trustees £ |
Ramsgate Town Council £ |
Westgate on Sea Town Council £ |
Staffing & Administration | 322,200 | 112,050 | 399,322 | 105,855 |
Civic & Election | 12,900 | 24,025 | 34,750 | 3,350 |
Events & Promotion | 193,755 | 22,200 | 154,200 | 9,200 |
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) | 249,069 | 575 | 429,440 | 53,870 |
Transferred to/from balances | 50,000 | (17,501) | 0 | 0 |
Income | (134,200) | 0 | (57,500) | (10,675) |
Total Precept | 693,724 | 141,349 | 960,212 | 161,600 |
For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:
- Broadstairs Town Council
- Margate Charter Trustees
- Ramsgate Town Council
- Westgate on Sea Town Council
Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.
Area | Tax Base 2021/22 No. |
Precept 2021/22 £ |
Band D 2021/22 £ |
Band D 2020/21 £ |
Difference £ |
Difference % |
Acol | 117.64 | 7,020.00 | 59.67 | 46.53 | 13.14 | 28.25 |
Birchington | 3,992.58 | 114,630.00 | 28.71 | 27.27 | 1.44 | 5.28 |
Broadstairs & St Peters | 9,584.50 | 655,580.00 | 68.40 | 68.40 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Cliffsend | 767.57 | 16,507.00 | 21.51 | 22.14 | – 0.63 | – 2.87 |
Manston | 544.93 | 20,010.00 | 36.72 | 40.77 | – 4.05 | – 9.93 |
Margate | 12,966.12 | 119,000.00 | 9.18 | 11.61 | – 2.43 | – 20.95 |
Minster | 1,271.29 | 88,100.00 | 69.30 | 64.98 | 4.32 | 6.65 |
Monkton | 276.51 | 13,936.00 | 50.40 | 50.40 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ramsgate | 11,690.32 | 942,708.00 | 80.64 | 79.02 | 1.62 | 2.05 |
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre | 461.83 | 22,611.00 | 48.96 | 52.83 | – 3.87 | – 7.33 |
Westgate | 2,482.41 | 149,475.00 | 60.21 | 56.61 | 3.60 | 6.37 |
For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.
The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2021/22.
Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council £ |
Ramsgate Town Council £ |
Westgate on Sea Town Council £ |
Staffing & Administration | 294,283 | 336,300 | 95,600 |
Civic & Election | 94,754 | 30,300 | 3,950 |
Events & Promotion | 82,275 | 145,000 | 6,000 |
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) | 337,640 | 477,308 | 48,585 |
Transferred to/from balances | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Income | (153,372) | (46,200) | (4,660) |
Total Precept | 655,580 | 942,708 | 149,475 |
For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:
- Broadstairs Town Council
- Margate Charter Trustees
- Ramsgate Town Council
- Westgate on Sea Town Council
Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.
Area | Tax Base 2020/21 No |
Precept 2020/21 £ |
Band D 2020/21 £ |
Band D 2019/20 £ |
Difference £ |
Difference % |
Acol | 118.11 | 5,496.00 | 46.53 | 25.56 | 20.97 | 82.05% |
Birchington | 4,004.14 | 109,210.00 | 27.27 | 26.37 | 0.90 | 3.43% |
Broadstairs & St Peters | 9,670.35 | 661,452.00 | 68.40 | 59.49 | 8.91 | 14.98% |
Cliffsend | 742.70 | 16,446.00 | 22.14 | 22.23 | -0.09 | -0.39% |
Manston | 514.39 | 20,972.00 | 40.77 | 40.14 | 0.63 | 1.57% |
Margate | 13,112.73 | 152,250.00 | 11.61 | 10.08 | 1.53 | 15.19% |
Minster | 1,273.44 | 82,748.00 | 64.98 | 58.77 | 6.21 | 10.57% |
Monkton | 280.46 | 14,135.00 | 50.40 | 50.40 | 0.00 | 0.00% |
Ramsgate | 11,908.41 | 941,003.00 | 79.02 | 65.07 | 13.95 | 21.44% |
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre | 427.73 | 22,599.00 | 52.83 | 52.83 | 0.00 | 0.01% |
Westgate | 2,493.94 | 141,173.00 | 56.61 | 55.80 | 0.81 | 1.45% |
For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.
The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2020/21.
Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council £ |
Margate Charter Trustees £ |
Ramsgate Town Council £ |
Westgate on Sea Town Council £ |
Staffing & Administration | 266,373 | 115,525 | 330,000 | 93,933 |
Civic & Election | 46,650 | 30,950 | 15,000 | 4,450 |
Events & Promotion | 126,504 | 5,200 | 132,500 | 17,400 |
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) | 389,528 | 575 | 509,503 | 37,212 |
Transferred to/from balances | (42,530) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Income | (125,073) | 0 | (46,000) | (11,822) |
Total Precept | 661,452 | 152,250 | 941,003 | 141,173 |
For more information about these town councils, please see their websites:
- Broadstairs Town Council
- Margate Charter Trustees
- Ramsgate Town Council
- Westgate on Sea Town Council
Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.
Area | Tax Base 2019/20 £ |
Precept 2019/20 £ |
Band D 2019/20 £ |
Band D 2018/19 £ |
Increase £ |
Increase % |
Acol | 115.04 | 2,940.00 | 25.56 | 61.02 | -35.46 | -58.12% |
Birchington | 3,981.48 | 104,992.00 | 26.37 | 16.38 | 9.99 | 60.99% |
Broadstairs & St Peters | 9,541.31 | 567,612.00 | 59.49 | 59.49 | 0.00 | 0.00% |
Cliffsend | 718.67 | 15,976.00 | 22.23 | 21.51 | 0.72 | 3.35% |
Manston | 473.32 | 19,000.00 | 40.14 | 37.71 | 2.43 | 6.45% |
Margate | 12,850.10 | 129,500.00 | 10.08 | 10.98 | -0.90 | -8.22% |
Minster | 1,242.66 | 73,031.00 | 58.77 | 51.12 | 7.65 | 14.96% |
Monkton | 277.69 | 13,995.00 | 50.40 | 38.25 | 12.15 | 31.76% |
Ramsgate | 11,687.40 | 760,500.00 | 65.07 | 61.92 | 3.15 | 5.09% |
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre | 422.07 | 22,298.00 | 52.83 | 52.83 | 0.00 | 0.00% |
Westgate – on – Sea | 2,453.53 | 136,906.00 | 55.80 | 54.81 | 0.99 | 1.81% |
For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.
The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2019/20.
Broadstairs Town Council (£) | Ramsgate Town Council (£) | |
Staffing & Administration | 221,472 | 300,000 |
Civic & Election | 47,954 | 30,000 |
Events & Promotion | 106,775 | 122,000 |
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) | 357,746 | 365,941 |
Transferred to/from balances | 0 | 0 |
Income | (166,335) | (57,441) |
Total Precept | 567,612 | 760,500 |
For more information about Broadstairs Town Council or Ramsgate Town Council, please see their website:
Some areas within Thanet have parish or town councils or charter trustees and they also ask Thanet District Council to collect their “precepts”. These precepts are calculated by the parish, town councils or charter trustees and then divided up as shown below.
Area | Tax Base 2018/19 £ |
Precept 2018/19 £ |
Band D 2018/19 £ |
Band D 2017/18 £ |
Difference £ |
Difference % |
Acol | 112.73 | 6,879.00 | 61.02 | 39.69 | 21.33 | 53.75% |
Birchington | 3,918.92 | 64,192.00 | 16.38 | 14.13 | 2.25 | 15.92% |
Broadstairs & St Peters | 9,452.03 | 562,301.00 | 59.49 | 49.59 | 9.90 | 19.96% |
Cliffsend | 720.99 | 15,510.00 | 21.51 | 21.15 | 0.36 | 1.71% |
Manston | 491.30 | 18,527.00 | 37.71 | 35.28 | 2.43 | 6.89% |
Margate | 12,525.84 | 137,500.00 | 10.98 | 5.94 | 5.04 | 84.85% |
Minster | 1,199.55 | 61,321.00 | 51.12 | 47.61 | 3.51 | 7.37% |
Monkton | 275.05 | 10,520.00 | 38.25 | 30.69 | 7.56 | 24.63% |
Ramsgate | 11,395.29 | 705,596.00 | 61.92 | 51.93 | 9.99 | 19.24% |
St Nicholas – at – Wade & Sarre | 397.37 | 20,993.00 | 52.83 | 40.59 | 12.24 | 30.15% |
Westgate | 2,415.60 | 132,400.00 | 54.81 | 41.49 | 13.32 | 32.11% |
For more information about parish, town or charter trustee budgets and activities, please contact your parish clerk.
The following town councils intend to raise more than £140,000 through Council Tax for the financial year 2018/19.
Broadstairs Town Council (£) | Ramsgate Town Council (£) | |
Staffing & Administration | 171,557 | 245,000 |
Civic & Election | 24,954 | 30,500 |
Events & Promotion | 118,175 | 110,500 |
Other (incl. s137 expenditure) | 272,825 | 386,096 |
Transferred to/from balances | 0 | 0 |
Income | -25,210 | -66,500 |
Total Precept | 562,301 | 705,596 |
For more information about Broadstairs Town Council or Ramsgate Town Council, please see their website: