14 August, 2024

Cabinet to consider proposals to reallocate funding to the Theatre Royal refurbishment project

On Thursday 22 August, Cabinet members will consider a proposal to reallocate £2.8m of Margate Town Deal funding to the Theatre Royal in Margate. This is to support the ambitious vision to conserve, restore and modernise both the Grade II* Listed theatre and 19 Hawley Square. 

In March 2021, £2.2m of Margate Town Deal funding was allocated to the Theatre Royal. Since then, an ambitious new vision has been set. The aim of the project is to create a nationally significant performing arts hub in Margate. The draft plans for the Theatre Royal are available on the council’s website

The Theatre Royal refurbishment project, as designed, included additional funding from external sources. In February 2024, the council submitted a £4.5m funding application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund. This application was unsuccessful.

The council has also submitted a funding application for £3m to the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by the Arts Council for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. A decision is expected later this year. 

The Cabinet report also outlines alternative funding options for the Theatre Royal project.

The amount of funding from central government for the Levelling Up Fund and Margate Town Deal programme is fixed, and is subject to specific financial constraints. Since the funding was awarded, inflationary pressure means that the scope of some of the projects must be reviewed so they can be delivered within budget. 

One project, the Active Movement and Connections Intervention focuses on improving the connections between Margate’s heritage assets, town centre, coast and residential areas. A recent review highlighted significant challenges which impact the scheme. 

The report proposes that £2.8m of the £5.3m funding originally allocated to the Active Movement and Connections Intervention be reallocated to the Theatre Royal. Of the remainder; £1.15m, which is over 20%, will be used to fund public toilets in Margate (£600,000) and a new public wayfinding scheme (£200,000); a further £350,000 is proposed to be reallocated to the Coastal Wellbeing Intervention. The latter reallocation will be used to deliver improvements to public areas and landscaping at the skatepark planned for Margate. The remaining £1.35m will be for other revised schemes in the Active Movement and Connections Intervention and be held in contingency for other Town Deal projects being delivered by the council. 

Cllr Ruth Duckworth, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property, said: “While the council is committed to refurbishing the Margate Theatre Royal and 19 Hawley Square, we have always recognised that the project is ambitious, and would rely on securing significant funding from other sources. 

“Following the introduction of the government’s Simplification Pathfinder Pilot1 in December 2023, there are opportunities to reallocate funding to the projects that will deliver the best outcomes for our communities. 

“We are confident that reallocating funding will help us to achieve our ambition of bringing the Theatre Royal and 19 Hawley Square back to life, with an exciting arts venue that will bring job opportunities for local people. It will also ensure that other planned Margate Town Deal projects can be delivered.

“We understand that there may be people who will be disappointed that this funding is being reallocated, but the council is committed to supporting the projects that will have the biggest impact on creating jobs and opportunities for the future.” 

Further information on the Margate Town Deal regeneration programme can be viewed on the council’s


1The Simplification Pathfinder Pilot is a new way for councils to report back to government on the capital programmes funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. It aims to reduce the administrative burdens that both the council and central government face in managing this funding. Further information on the pilot can be viewed on the council’s website. 
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