Support for business
We value our business community and want to help them start, grow and succeed. We can provide free advice, support, training opportunities and access to expert help .
Thanet District Council has been awarded £78,750 funding from Kent County Council to provide a Business Support Programme in the district. The Council’s Business Engagement Officer is working alongside a local business advisor and sector specialists from Social Enterprise Kent to provide a package of practical and targeted business support until October 2023.
The Thanet Business Support Programme activities are focused on small, medium and independent businesses with the aim of helping them to address ongoing challenges, including post-pandemic recovery and cost of living pressures. The Thanet Business Support team works with businesses to answer questions or offer signposting and guidance on relevant initiatives and opportunities.
Following an initial conversation, business owners will be invited to attend networking and partnering sessions, training, and where appropriate, individual one to one sessions. Consultants will be on hand with expertise in specific areas of business including finance, strategy, staffing, social media, marketing, scale up, products, supply chain and much more. To find out about free upcoming events or training opportunities, or to make a general business related enquiry, please get in touch with Thanet’s Business Engagement Officer:
Business owners can benefit from free BOSS network meetings (Business Owners Sharing & Supporting), signing up to the Business Matters e-bulletins, as well as a rolling programme of training and events.
Established businesses
We provide a variety of services to all types of businesses, including established businesses, including:
- Free one-to-one support through the Thanet Business Support Programme
- Free advice and support to improve your energy efficiency
- Updates on the latest initiatives and shop & eat local campaigns in Thanet
- Business networking and support groups
Start-up businesses
We offer advice and guidance to help start up a businesses. Support includes:
Signposting to specialist advice on starting a business in Thanet
Kent & Medway Growth Hub:
Rebel Business School:
Whether you’re an artist or accountant, baker or bricklayer, if you live in Thanet, Dover, Folkestone & Hythe or the wider Kent area our award-winning course will help you find your own path to self-employment.
Rebel Business School live course consists of ten sessions of practical and easy-to-digest content giving you all the fundamentals you need to get a business off the ground and start making money. The ten sessions are spread out over 10 days: all running from 10am until 3pm, either from Rebel HQ at 470 Harrow Road or online via Zoom.
Through the course, you’ll learn:
How to start a business for free, Sales, Marketing, Pricing & Negotiation, Tax & Accounting, Building a Website for Free, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Media, Pitching & Mindset
Whether you are an established business or start-up, there will be support on offer. Contact our Business Engagement Officer for more information:
01843 577511
If you are a Thanet Business, any type, or size, you can join our dedicated Facebook Group, which provides businesses with help and support:
There is also support available through the Kent & Medway Growth Hub who have a dedicated support line: 03333 602300. The line is open from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.