There are a number of ways that this initiative can help owners and prospective purchasers of empty properties. We can offer interest-free loans to landlords, owners and developers toward renovation costs.
Working in partnership with Kent County Council, these interest free loans are available through the No Use Empty scheme. Loans of up to £25,000 are available for anyone wishing to renovate a property that has been empty for six months or more. Find out more information on the No Use Empty web site.
If you feel that you could benefit from a loan under this Scheme, or want to know more, please contact the council’s Empty Property Team on 01843 577059.
PermalinkPlease note that we do not publish lists of empty property in the district. Our decision follows a High Court case involving the Information Commissioner and a London Borough Council. Briefly, it was ruled inappropriate to provide such a list owing to data protection issues for the owners and concerns raised by the Police in making such information widely available could result in empty properties being targeted by vandals/thieves.
Local estate agents will be able to help prospective purchasers
PermalinkThe council is targeting resources into bringing back empty homes into use itself. Through the ‘Live Margate’ regeneration progrmme, the council is converting empty property into high quality family units.
Where negotiations with an owner have been exhausted, the Authority has powers to take enforcement action against an owner to carry out repair works. As an absolute last resort, a Compulsory Purchase Order could be made, particularly if the property has fallen into serious disrepair.
PermalinkLive Margate
The council itself is targeting specific areas within Margate town centre, Cliftonville and Ramsgate town centre to tackle problem properties that have been empty for some time. We have been acquiring problem properties, renovating them and creating affordable family housing. We continue to work in partnership with Kent County Council, the Homes and Homes and Communities Agency and others under the Live Margate umbrella.
Featured case study – Ramsgate
This property had been empty and in a state of disrepair for several years. Works began in 2013 to enlarge the ground floor accommodation and convert the property into two maisonettes and one flat. With assistance from a loan from No Use Empty, the owner carried out the renovation, doing much of the work himself.
Featured case study – Garlinge
This small terraced property had been empty for a year, and was in a state of disrepair. Purchased in 2014, the new owner has fully refurbished the house with the help of a No Use Empty loan, and brought it back into use.