How we make decisions
Thanet District Council is composed of 56 Councillors, who are elected to office every four years.
It operates a “Leader and Cabinet” style of decision-making, which means that:
- Full Council decides the Council’s overall policies and sets the budget every year;
- most other decisions are taken by the Cabinet or individually as Cabinet Member Decisions
- An Overview and Scrutiny Panel reviews and scrutinises decisions and conducts reviews of policies and services.
Details of ”key” decisions to be taken by Cabinet over the next few months can be viewed in the Forward Plan and Exempt Cabinet Report List. The Council’s regulatory functions, such as development control and licensing, are carried out by non-executive Committees: the Planning Committee and the Licensing Board. Full details of how the Council operates and how decisions are made can be found in the council’s constitution.
For national elections, Thanet forms part of two parliamentary constituencies at Westminster and is represented in Parliament by two MPs
These decisions help the Council meet its goals and priorities supporting the needs of our residents and stakeholders.
There are a number of different types of decisions made at the Council:
- Forward Plan and Exempt Cabinet report lists – Dates of decisions being taken in forthcoming meetings.
- All decisions – Decisions made by the Council, Licensing Board, Planning Committee and Standards Committee after 10 July 2013.
- Cabinet decisions – Decisions made by the Cabinet.
- Individual Cabinet Member decisions – Decisions made by a Cabinet Member.
- Officer decisions – Decisions made by a Council Officer.