Proxy vote

Your application must provide the reason why you are unable to vote in person.

The appointed person must be 18 or over on the date of the election, and either a citizen from the UK, a qualifying commonwealth country, the Republic of Ireland or a member of the European Union. They must be willing to vote at your polling station. As a proxy, you can only vote on behalf of two people at any election, unless they are close family members.

The way you apply for a Proxy vote has now changed, you can now apply directly on the gov.uk website.


You have three choices:

  • You can apply to keep your proxy vote for all future elections until you tell us to cancel it (but only if you are applying on the grounds of disability or blindness, or your long-term employment prevents you getting to a polling station, or you are living abroad)
  • You can ask for a proxy vote for one particular election only (for example, if you would normally prefer to go to the polling station but you will be away on holiday that day)
  • You can ask for a proxy vote for a particular period (for example, if your work is taking you away from home for several months and you want to vote in any elections that take place in that time).



If you qualify, we record on the electoral register that you want to vote by proxy.

Shortly before an election, we send your proxy a Proxy Poll Card giving them your registration details and authority to vote on your behalf.

Your proxy will have to go to your polling station on election day with the proxy poll card and ask for a ballot paper to vote on your behalf. The presiding officer will know that you have appointed a proxy because the register will be marked to show this. Your proxy will be given your ballot paper and can cast your vote. It is up to you to tell your proxy who to vote for.

You must be able to trust that they will follow your instructions.



Yes, so long as you get to the polling station before your proxy has used your vote. You cannot vote yourself if your proxy has already voted for you.

If you go to the polling station yourself, tell the presiding officer that you have a proxy vote but you have come to vote in person.



Yes, but you must tell us in writing. We need to receive this at least 11 working days before an election or your proxy will still get a proxy appointment and will be able to use your vote.


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