Who are we?
The Thanet Multi-agency Task Force (MTF) is a collective of professionals with shared purpose, shared vision, emotional intelligence and compassion delivering services to the most disadvantaged with the ethos of “Agencies as One”.
MTF works with people and families with complex problems who struggle to access services through mainstream routes.
We are based within the Thanet District Council building alongside the Police Community Safety Team, and undertake collective activities and decision making. We work in co-located environment where we share information, agree plans and interventions in an honest and open way.
The work of the MTF is led by the Thanet Leadership Group, with a culture of ‘One Team – One Voice – One Budget’.
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The Margate Task Force (MTF) has been in operation since 2009. It was originally established as one of three strands of Kent’s Total Place pilot, a Government initiative that sought to take a whole area approach to local public services, to either solve complex challenges or create opportunities in 13 pilot areas. It is the last surviving example of the model.
MTF at first focussed on two key wards, Margate Central and Cliftonville West, which for all of the key local and national agencies were the priority focus and the areas of highest disproportionate spend.
Since 2018 the MTF has been expanding its reach to cover the entirety of Thanet.
In 2020 The Margate Task Force (MTF) rebranded as the Thanet Multi-agency Task Force (MTF).
The MTF are currently undertaking project work in 3 specific areas:
- Athelstan & Ethelbert Road, Margate
- Union Row, Margate
- Margate High Street
Therefore, if you live in one of these areas we would be interested in hearing about your experiences. If you are experiencing unresolved issues, you can also complete our ‘Thanet & You’ survey below and request our support.
The MTF works in offices alongside Kent Police Community Safety Unit and Thanet District Council Community Safety team.
Core team:
Thanet District Council
Kent Fire & Rescue Service
Department for Work and Pensions
Kent Police
KCC Community Wardens
Support team:
Thanet District Council Housing Options
Thanet District Council Communities Team
Kent Police Community Safety Unit
Department for Work and Pensions Exploitation Team
Home Office Immigration Enforcement
Collective delivery support:
TDC Tenant & Leaseholder Service
Kent Police Community Policing Team
Orbit Housing
Riverside Housing
NHS Health Visitors
Red Zebra
Kent Police Town Team
KCC Trading Standards
KCC Adult Social Care and Health
KCC Children and Young People’s Social Work Teams
NHS Thanet Community Mental Health Team
MTF Volunteers
Focus for 2021
- Reducing the threat, risk and harm of county lines and exploitation
- Deliver projects within communities that have complex and recurring problems
- Supporting people currently experiencing or at risk of domestic abuse
- Reducing the risks to people from serious and organised crime
- Safe and well checks and client referral on behalf of partners
Future Plans
- Reconvene Neighbourhood Responsibility Panels with a focus on Integrated Offender Management clients/ prison releases
- Develop a support programme for care leavers
- Develop a multi agency response to issues of exploitation
- Develop a multi agency response to early intervention in sucide risk
Current Projects
Following the principles of ‘Problem Orientated Policing’ a strategy that involves the identification and analysis of specific crime and disorder problems in order to develop better responses.The MTF collectively initiates projects to better deliver activities and intervention for individuals and defined geographical locations.
The MTF ‘SARA’ (Scanning Analysis Response Assessment) projects are designed to utilise the skill sets of multiple practitioners, avoid duplication and lay the foundation for each agency contributing to the delivery of collective priorities.
PermalinkYou can keep up to date with MTF activities and information via our Twitter (@MTFThanet) and Instagram (@ThanetMTF) pages. We post regular updates on what we’re doing as well as useful information, so be sure to give us a follow to keep in the loop!
Over the years, MTF has been recognised as a national lead in relation to integrated services and working in partnership:
- Sussex and Kent & Medway Armed Forces Network – Service Champion Team Award 2018
- Runner Up, Chief Constable’s Award – Community Policing
- Winner of the DWP ‘Game Changers’ Award 2015/16
- Immigration Enforcement – Regional Directors Certificate of Commendations – joint working 2015
- Beacon Adult Mental Health Services – Partnership Employee of the Year (District Level)
- Home Office, International Policing Conference – recognised as an exemplar of best practice
- Shortlisted for the National Compact Awards
- DWP Compact Engagement Award 2015
We accept client or place-based referrals from organisations operating within Thanet. If you would like to speak to someone about how the MTF can support your organisation or how you can support the work we do, please email eden.geddes@thanet.gov.uk.
If you would like access to our client referral form please email margatetaskforce@thanet.gov.uk.
PermalinkCase Study 1: RT
Raised by TDC Housing Licencing team
Issues presented
- Male in his mid-30s living in a top floor flat under threat of eviction and at risk of financial exploitation. Has various physical (poor mobility and clinically obese) and mental health concerns (anxiety and loneliness).
- Lift in his flat disbaled by the landlord due to misuse and he is unable to use the stairs so is effectively trapped and isolated.
- Flat is full of rubbish as he is unable to take it downstairs – mice infestation and repairs to property required.
- Relies on friends delivering hot fast food and take-aways, as well as dropping off food and shopping.
Client requested outcome
Requested support to clean his home and assistance in requesting GP treatment for anxiety and obesity. Assistance in renewing relationships with his family and help in handing back property and relocating to another country within the EU to join his family. Also needed support with the transfer of benefits and a return to employment.
MTF actions (following assessments)
- Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment raised
- Waste removal
- GP intervention
- Regular ‘safe and well’ checks
- Provision of clothing
- Re-establish contact with family
Duration of intervention
- Four months
Reduced reliance on anxiety medication and commenced a weight loss regime. Sacrificed tenancy and moved to another country to join his family. Health improved and began to actively seek employment.
MTF agencies involved
- Department for Work and Pensions – Kent Police
- Kent Fire & Rescue Service – Social Services
- Thanet District Council Housing Licencing team – Kent County Council Community Wardens
- Porchlight (Live Well)
Estimate cost savings
- Life costs – obesity £255,500
- Estimate of benefits saved £191,100
- Housing benefit costs £189,000
- Total estimate saving £635,600
Case Study 2: (F)
Raised by Kent Police Vulnerable Adults Officer
Issues presented
- Female (F) is widowed and owns her own home. She recently received the all clear from Bowel Cancer, following surgery and chemotherapy.
- 18 months ago her son,(S), turned up on her door and has lived there since.
- (S) had lived in Wales since the age of 21, when he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Now refusing to take medication, his mental health declined and he left his flat and support network in Wales without notice.
- Kent Police Vulnerable Persons Officer met with (F) following concerns raised by neighbours about potential risk of domestic abuse from son.
- (F) disclosed elements of (S) behaviour which would indicate controlling and coercive behaviour and, given his diagnosis, Police believed this placed (F) at an increased risk.
Client requested outcome
(F) refused support in managing concerns with KQ.
MTF actions (following assessments)
- Home visits completed by: Kent Fire Rescue Service , Kent County Council Community Warden, and a Practice Nurse Coordinator at The Beacon Mental Health Team.
- Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment project developed.
- Neighbourhood Responsibility Panel held.
- Alternative accommodation sourced for (S) by Social Services but declined.
- Case raised by MTF for MARAC. A MARAC is a multi-agency meeting about those who have been identified as at high risk of serious harm or homicide.
- Liaise with Kent Police Vulnerability Investigation Teams (VIT) Team and take lead following successful MARAC referral.
- Statements provided to VIT Team by MTF and decision taken to arrest and remove KQ from property.
- TDC Homeless Officer assesses his case and he is placed in temporary accommodation, in Chatham.
- Additional home security precautions installed by MTF following his removal.
- TDC supports KQ relocation to Ramsgate.
- Following a further incident, Police called by (F) and (S) removed again. MTF support to (F).
- Regular welfare checks.
(S) was evicted from the Ramsgate address due to non-payment of rent and refused to claim housing benefit. In May 2020, he presented to (O) City Council as homeless. Current whereabouts are unknown, but he has not returned to Thanet and not contacted his mother. Last home visit to (F) completed on 07/08/2020.
Duration of intervention
12 months+
MTF agencies involved
- Kent Police – The Beacon Mental Health Services
- Social Services – Oasis Domestic Abuse Service
- KCC Community Wardens – Kent Fire and Rescue Service
- TDC Housing Options – Department for Work and Pensions
Estimate cost savings
- Domestic abuse investigation £30,020
- CSU Intervention £5,000
Professional opinion is that had this intervention not taken place, there was a strong likelihood that this case would have ultimately resulted in a domestic homicide, costing the public purse £1.9m.
Case Study: J
Raised by Police and South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAMB)
Issues presented
- An elderly female (83 years old) who lives with her husband who has failing health. Both require home services, three times a day, to assist them with independent living.
- SECAMB approached Kent Police in July 2019 as J was calling them in excess of 20 times a day via the 999-system resulting in ambulances attending. Every ambulance attendance resulted in non-admittance to hospital. J would also contact MTF if she could not get through to SECAMB.
- J was constantly complaining of being in pain with itching to various parts of her body for which she self-medicated by applying copious amounts of cream. This suggested a possible underlying undiagnosed mental health condition driving behaviours.
Client requested outcome
To reduce the frequency of calls to SECAMB and Police unless a genuine emergency or valid reason for doing so.
MTF Actions following assessment
- Home visits completed by: Police (MTF) in the first instance to speak with J and give advice re 999 calling.
- Community Protection Warning (CPW) issued when calls to emergency services were carrying on (June 2019).
- Community Protection Notice (CPN) issued when calls to emergency services started to increase again (August 2019).
- Home visit completed with Community Mental Health services to see what help could be given to J, kept as an ongoing case with mental health services.
- Professionals meeting with mental health services, Community Safety Unit, SECAMB’s frequent caller team and Police (MTF).
- Multi-agency case management system raised (July 2020) due to huge increase in calls (2,000 for the period July – September 2020).
- Police Community Support Officer liaised with mental health services about this increase.
Following a professionals meeting, SECAMB introduced a response plan realising J would no doubt carry on calling without further support in place. This resulted in a sharp decrease (70%) in the amount of ambulances attending. The CPW and CPN issued to JB resulted in an initial decrease of calls and a significant cost saving to SECAMB. SECAMB has not needed to call the Police since the implementation of the response plan, as it was deemed to be working. Due to continuing work by mental health services, JB is now in a care home and therefore no longer has the access to a phone to call emergency services unnecessarily.
Duration of intervention
12 months+
MTF/other agencies involved:
- Kent Police
- The Beacon Mental Health Services
- Community Safety Unit
Estimate cost savings
Reduced number of calls to emergency services £480,000
PermalinkIn order to track progress and outcomes for MTF, we regularly update our data dashboard. You can see our dashboard by clicking here.