The Clockhouse and Pier Yard

As part of the Levelling Up Fund, The Clockhouse and Pier Yard were identified as areas for potential development by:

  • Working with key stakeholders, look at refurbishing the Grade II listed Clock House, to create a cultural heritage exhibition space and public café.
  • Transforming the Pier Yard Car Park into a new town square, taking into account access requirements.
  • Aiming to create a vibrant new public space, for people to congregate in and where they can appreciate the beauty of the area.

The Clockhouse

Curl la Tourelle Head Architects have developed initial designs to refurbish and extend the Clockhouse in Ramsgate Royal Harbour. The design team is working on a project that will return activity to The Maritime museum, protecting existing collections and reinvigorating the commercial use of the building with additional hospitality facilities. Conserving The Clockhouse as a Heritage Hub will provide a location for visitors and residents that points to the story of Ramsgate Royal Harbour’s past, present and future.


Pier Yard

Previously the centre of harbour business, Pier Yard will be reimagined to accommodate markets, outdoor events and the entry point to the harbour and The Clock House Heritage Hub.

Its current use as car parking and vehicular access to the Cross Wall divides this area, reducing its relationship to the pier and the pedestrianised area around the obelisk. It is uninviting and creates a hazard for pedestrians. Instead, Pier Yard will showcase Ramsgate’s rich harbour views. Water features and tree planting will bring natural shading and cooling to the air during summer months. Sheltered seating areas will ensure Pier Yard is useable throughout the year.

The design proposals for Pier Yard will reference the site’s rich maritime history and act as a starting point for a wider exploration of Ramsgate and the Eastern Kent Coast. The space will be enlivened with landscaping, potential commercial activities, and extend the possibility to extend the Museum offering at The Clock House into the public realm, creating an attractive outdoor space for visitors and to provide wayfinding into the Ramsgate Royal Harbour.

View the boards displayed at the July 2023 public engagement for Clockhouse and Pier Yard.

If you require any of this information in alternative formats, please contact ramsgate-future@thanet.gov.uk.


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