On Friday 11 December 2020, a ten-year ‘Town Investment Plan was submitted to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government. The Plan identified £29m of transformative interventions for Margate that could act as a catalyst for future investment. As a result of the Government’s reduced offer of £22.2 million an updated list of projects was agreed.
In June 2021 a final Project List was submitted to MHCLG with a year to develop the business cases for the projects.
The Investment Plan
You can find out about and read the submitted plan – Margate Town Investment Plan.
Watch the ‘Explainer Video‘
If you need the Plan in an alternative format please email margate-town-deal@thanet.gov.uk
An important part of the Town Deal process is The Margate Town Investment Plan which provides a long term plan for the town.
It considers what Margate needs to do to address some of the persistent long term challenges that the town has faced in the last two decades. These include social and economic deprivation, poor health outcomes, over reliance on cars for transport and the decline in look and feel of the town in some places. It also considers the significant opportunities that come from Margate being a historic, creative and beautiful town.
The plan includes new evidence which maps key characteristics of the town and a new spatial plan which identifies short, medium and long term actions to give Margate a brighter future. It has been shaped by the community and stakeholder engagement that took place in September 2020 and the ongoing work of the Margate Town Deal People’s Panel.
Projects included in the plan range from small grassroots projects to multimillion pound investments. The Town Investment Plan identifies which projects can have the most significant impact and will contribute to the overall vision of the town.
Consultants PRD and We Made That were invited to support the Board to develop proposals and refine these into the longer term plan and the bid. They have previously worked on town plans for Folkestone, New Romney and Ebbsfleet and developed the strategy for the Thames Estuary Production Corridor. They led on the successful bid to government for Creative Estuary and are regular advisors to the Mayor of London on town centres, property asset strategy and creative industries