Temporary accommodation (TA)

Wherever possible we seek to prevent homelessness. If you have no alternative accommodation and we believe that you are eligible for assistance, we may offer temporary accommodation (TA) while we are assessing your homelessness application or when you have been accepted as homeless and you are continuing to search for your settled home.

While we’re making a decision on your homeless application, if we believe that you are homeless and are in urgent need of housing assistance, we will place you in emergency temporary accommodation.

We will carry out an initial assessment to decide if you are in need of temporary accommodation based on priority need.


You could be in priority need if you:

  • or someone you live with is pregnant
  • have dependant children
  • are under 18
  • are a care leaver under 21

You may also have a priority need if you, someone you live with or someone that might be expected to live with you is vulnerable due to:

  • old age, mental illness or physical disability
  • having fled from domestic violence
  • having previously been fostered or in care
  • having served in the UK armed forces
  • having been in prison or custody

The homeless team will make enquiries to verify eligibility before they commence a relief duty, which is for a minimum of 56 days, while they further investigate your homelessness.

During the relief duty, the homeless team will work with you to resolve your homelessness and explore all the housing options available to you.

Should it not be possible to resolve your homelessness, at the end of the relief duty, the homeless team will issue you a decision in writing on the outcome of your application.

The team will either accept a main housing duty or issue you with a negative decision, ending the Council’s housing duty towards you. If the main duty is accepted, your temporary housing will continue, until settled accommodation is secured either in the private market or an offer of social housing, depending on which becomes available first.


Housing Options is unable to offer time frames for how long you will be placed in temporary housing out of the area. This is due to limited availability.

Most emergency offers are currently outside of the Thanet District. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to move households back to Thanet once in temporary accommodation due to very high demand. However, we will consider those who have support needs such as specialist school placements, medical requirements only available in Thanet or those who the police have confirmed that they are unsafe in the area they are currently placed in.


All temporary accommodation comes with a charge, this is generally set at the local housing allowance for the size of the property and is covered by a housing benefit application.

If you are not eligible for the housing element or subject to deductions you will need to self-fund the remaining cost of the temporary accommodation.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to work with the temporary accommodation team to ensure a housing benefit claim goes into pay and all requested information is provided to prevent arrears.


You will be contacted by letter or email with your own payment reference number.

This can be paid by:

  • Pay over the phone at 01843 577 688 on the automated line
  • Pay online via our website
  • By standing order using bank details:
    • Sort code: 60-14-05
    • Account number: 67834000
    • Reference: this will be your unique payment reference number

Yes, all temporary accommodation is subject to bills including council tax. During your stay within the accommodation, you must pay for your:

  • Gas
  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Council tax

If you are on benefits or a low income, you may be able to get Council Tax Support to help you pay your bill. You will need to contact the local authority where you are placed to apply, this can often be completed via their websites or by calling the relevant customer services team if you require support.

For example, if your temporary accommodation area is in Dover, you will need to contact Dover District Council to apply for Council Tax Support.


You can bring small items with you like bedding, kitchen utensils, a TV or radio, clothing, toys and other essentials. But you may be moved to another temporary accommodation at any time and will have to take all your belongings with you.

You cannot bring any items of furniture or white goods such as a fridge or washing machine. If you have furniture or white goods, please explore storage options as you may need them for your next settled home.


Generally, we do not support funding requests for storage costs, however, we look at each individual’s circumstances with a completed budget form, 3 months bank statements and quotes from 3 storage providers.

Please send requests to homeless@thanet.gov.uk for consideration.


Unfortunately, many of our providers do not accept pets.

You may need to explore whether a friend or family member can temporarily foster your pet. Alternatively, advice can be found on the RSPCA website.


Visitors are not permitted within the temporary accommodation unless there is an exceptional circumstance and consent has been granted by the temporary accommodation team.


If you have to stay away overnight, you must let the temporary accommodation know via TA@thanet.gov.uk

If you need to stay away for more than two nights, for example, if you have to go to a hospital, you may have to give up this accommodation and be booked back into other temporary accommodation on your return.


Kent County Council (KCC) may be able to assist children in temporary accommodation getting to school. This assistance may include a free bus pass or other options which can be discussed with them directly.


Please report all repair issues directly to your temporary accommodation provider, the name of which you can find on your offer comms message via Kent Homechoice.

  • Cornerstone – 0333 772 0862
  • Paramount Independent Property services – 01634 733123
  • Link – 01634 406 987
  • First Stop – 0800 622 6382
  • Less Homeless – 01634 921 996
  • Teatree – 0208 776 2715

We always try to place applicants in suitable interim or temporary accommodation. A suitability assessment is conducted at the time of placement based on the answers provided in your initial assessment with the homeless team.

If there are specific reasons why you believe this is not suitable please contact the TA team with your reason and any supporting evidence via TA@thanet.gov.uk


Once a decision has been made or a refusal of an offer of suitable accommodation the following notice periods apply:

Circumstance Notice Required
Intentionally Homeless – Families (including pregnant single mums) 28 days
Intentionally Homeless – Other households 14 days
Non Priority 7 days
Family – Refusal of suitable offer of accommodation 14 days
Non-Family – Refusal of suitable offer of accommodation 7 days
Households who are in Priority Need but not co-operating 14 days

Your decision letter will state whether you have the right to request a review which is usually within 21 days of the date of the letter.

Depending on the outcome of the decision you may be eligible to be considered to be accommodated during the review period, however, this will depend on many things including what further information is provided.


You will need to contact your Temporary Accommodation provider directly to arrange collection.

There may be a charge per night for storage if belongings are not collected by the day and time you were expected to leave the temporary accommodation.


You will be expected to move on the day of your new tenancy start date, however, depending on exceptional circumstances the team can consider extensions on a case by case basis, however, there may be a charge for this.


Many local charities can offer discount furniture or explore grant options. Search websites such as Freecycle or Facebook Marketplace which often have local people selling or giving away items of furniture they no longer require.

Necessary Furniture can assist low-income households with second-hand furniture

The British Heart Foundation

Margate Tivoli Brooks Furniture


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