Thanet Film Office

Thanet District Council
Cecil Street
Margate CT9 1XZ

email: filming@thanet.gov.uk

We work closely with the Kent Film Office (KFO) to facilitate filming across the Thanet District. The Thanet Film Office has a wealth of local knowledge, and can advise on the most appropriate locations for your project. The KFO team arranges permits and road closures for filming across Kent.

If you are planning to locate a production or photoshoot in Thanet, please contact the Kent Film Office, or fill out their online permit application, in the first instance.

Kent Film Office

Kent County Council,
County Hall,
Maidstone ME14 1XX

Direct Line 03000 422 000

email: filmoffice@kent.gov.uk

website: kentfilmoffice.co.uk

Creative England

Creative England is dedicated to the growth of the creative industries and supporting the industry. They can provide a free film office service to productions filming in England. They have regional representatives who can help with specialist local expertise for production in their areas.

website: Creative England

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