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Select one of the four key performance categories below:

Environment performance indicators

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The measures below demonstrate how the council is monitoring the corporate statement for environment

Description of Measure

The number of enforcement actions



Description of Measure

1st response with in service standard (for all enforcement types + beach complaints except stray dogs)

Why is it being measured

To ensure issues are being dealt with in the most timely manner



What is good performance

A high 90% of cases 1st responses within service standard timescale

Description of Measure

Number of trees removed and planted on TDC Open Spaces

Why is it being measured

As part of our carbon footprint calculations and impact on the ecological emergency




What is good performance

A net increase in carbon sequestration from tree planting (Calculations to be confirmed)

Description of Measure

The number of bins that should be collected less missed bins / Total bins collected



Growth performance indicators

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The measures below demonstrate how the council is monitoring the corporate statement for growth

Description of Measure

Average wages

Why is it being measured

Indicator of overall growth in district



What is good performance

Increased wages

Description of Measure

Average wages

Why is it being measured

indicator of overall growth in district



What is good performance

Increased wages

Description of Measure

unemployment rates

Why is it being measured

indicator of overall growth in district



What is good performance

Low levels of unemployment

Description of Measure

the number of new licensed premises

Why is it being measured

to demonstrate a growth in the sector.



What is good performance

More businesses opening

Efficiency performance indicators

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Every year as part of our annual residents’ survey, local people say that they want the council to be efficient. The indicators below track progress with how we are performing in relation to working as efficiently as we can.

Description of Measure

Number of Freedom information processed in time



Description of measure 

% of complaints processed in time



Description of measure

Number of complaints




Description of Measure

Number of Freedom information requests



Community performance indicators

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The measures below demonstrate how the council is monitoring the corporate statement for communities

Description of Measure

Number of requests for service received for community safety

Why is it being measured

To ensure adequate resources are available during peak times



Description of Measure

Percentage of planning appeals dismissed – Minimum 60%

Why is it being measured

This is a measure of the quality of the council’s decision making about planning applications. The correct decision made first time supports the economic growth of the district and the provision of the homes and infrastructure that the district needs.



What is good performance

Fewer decisions overturned at appeal.

Description of Measure

Overall compliance score – A combined scored based on detailed workstream reports for each of the main six areas of compliance.

Why is it being measured

Tenant Health and Safety compliance is a statutory requirement and a key factor in the decision to return the management of the council’s housing stock to the council. Effective health and safety compliance serves to protect the council’s tenants and leaseholders.



What is good performance

A high level of compliance with the requirements of health and safety legislation and clear programmes of work to manage and reduce any identified risks.

Description of Measure

Proportion of capital programme milestones reached. Procurement advertised, contract let, start on site, completion of works.

Why is it being measured

The delivery of the council’s Capital Programme was a key factor in the decision to return the management of council housing to the council. The capital programme helps to improve the condition of the council’s housing stock and the condition of our tenants’ homes.



What is good performance

The timely completion of work programmes included in the council’s HRA capital programme.

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