
Every year as part of our annual residents’ survey, local people say that they want the council to be efficient. The indicators below track progress with how we are performing in relation to working as efficiently as we can.

Description of Measure

Number of Freedom information processed in time



Description of measure 

% of complaints processed in time



Description of measure

Number of complaints




Description of Measure

Number of Freedom information requests



Description of Measure

collected council tax / Council tax due

Why is it being measured

Council Tax is one of the Council’s main sources of income, the collection of which is undertaken by Civica within a strategic partnership with Thanet DC, Canterbury CC and Dover DC. Collection rates are one of the key performance metrics and contractual targets within the strategic agreement with Civica and as such it is important to measure and monitor this indicator in order to assess the health and effectiveness of the partnership. In-year collection rates indicate also the ability of residents to pay their council tax bills and can provide insight into the local economic conditions. Please note this indicator measures the percentage of council tax collected in-year (within the particular financial year that the bills relate to) and as such excludes overdue amounts collected in later years. Total collection rates, including these overdue amounts, are higher at approximately 98%.



What is good performance

Generally, higher level of collection presents strong performance

Description of Measure

Residents opinion

Why is it being measured

As a publicly funded organisation it is important to establish whether residents feel they receive value for money for the services they receive.



What is good performance

Residents feel that council delivers value for money

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