The Community Champions Programme is offered for free by Thanet District Council and is fully funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The aim of the Programme is to support the VCSE sector, strengthen and build the capacity of the voluntary network through sharing knowledge, ideas & best practice.
We have commissioned the services of key umbrella organisations to deliver the programme.
The Programme will include the following areas of support.
Leadership Support – Delivered by Stronger Kent Communities
- Building Relationships/Trust
- Shared Goals
- Networking
- Peer Support
- Accredited Level 2 Coaching Skills for Leaders
Fundraising Support – Delivered by Funding For All
- Funding Conferences
- 121 Sessions
- Mentoring Support
- Bid Writing Help
- Measuring Impact
- Data Support
- Impact and Evaluation
- Partnership Bids
Training and Skills – Delivered by Social Enterprise Kent
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Mental Health Awareness
- IT and HR
- Finance/Governance
- Contracts
- Strategy/Planning
- Social Impact
Bespoke Training and Skills – Delivered by various providers – tbc
- Environmental
- Sustainability
- Disability/Autism Awareness
- Neurodiversity
- First Aid
- Creative Sector Skills
Networking – Delivered by Thanet District Council
- Focussed/Themed Sessions
- Co-Sectors
- Face to Face / Online
- Celebrating Success
- Awards Event and Conference
Volunteer Support – Delivered by Kent Coast Volunteering
- Networking and Knowledge
- Volunteer Management
- Recruitment and Retention
- Safeguarding
- Social Events
- EDI / Equalities Act
Thanet Youth Forum – Forum for networking and partnership working opportunities for participating organisations that offer activities for young people. Offer includes; Networking, training, partnerships, support, representation