Visitors and residents of Thanet will soon be able to choose from 17 brand new, bookable experiences. This increase is the outcome of Thanet District Council’s contribution to the Interreg Experience Development Programme, in partnership with Visit Kent.
The project aims to extend the tourism season and increase visitor spend; improve the sustainability of tourism and reduce the social and environmental impacts; and to develop and implement new products and services to attract additional visitors.
New experiences include guided Nordic Walking for all levels (an enhanced walking technique that uses poles to work your upper body as well as your legs), cookery classes, relaxation and fitness breaks. There is also an outdoor escape room-style experience, plus Dickensian-themed accommodation, complete with costumes and an indoor treasure trail.
Project benefits for participating businesses include one to one consultations, product testing, content development, consumer marketing, B2B distribution and new photography.
Councillor Reece Pugh, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Thanet District Council comments, “Thanet District Council is pleased to be a contributing partner in the Interreg Experience Development Programme. Our aim was to achieve 10 new bookable experiences as a result of this programme, which we have exceeded. I would like to thank the tourism team and their partnership work with Visit Kent for getting such benefit from the scheme for Thanet. We are keen that this activity helps to make tourism in Thanet more sustainable by extending the tourism season, attracting new visitors, encouraging more overnight stays and increasing visitor spend.”
The new experiences that are already available to book now can be found on, with the remainder in the development stage.
A training course is being planned for people who would like to find out more about creating new packages or experiences in collaboration with other businesses. You can express an interest in attending this course by emailing